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    Current Trends in Diamond Jewelry Designs

    Diamonds are special and give a lowering effect to any outfit. They boost style better than anything else. Diamonds can go with your evening dress, and even with jeans, a fancy blouse, or anything else. They distinguish you from those around you at any party. Leonards Jewellers adapt to trendy styles, which is why a lot of importance is attached to the design of a diamond jewelry.

    Large diamond jewelry gives you a classy look and a charming look. New designs appear from time to time, with older patterns taking the place of older ones. The diamond is very close to the heart of every woman, which is why it has become so popular that diamond jewelry design is in fashion today.

    If your are looking for the best jewelry contact OD’s Jewellers that have best jewelry desing collections.

    Design Trends in Diamond Jewelry: 

    • Vintage Inspired Pieces: This jewelry follows the designs of the Edwardian, Victorian and Art Deco eras and enjoys a special status among many loyal patrons of jewelry, and it is no wonder that, at this time, it is one of the diamonds more popular. With fine architectural art designs, the deco eras added by Edwardian era floral wings with a Victorian necklace make it look super classy. The multi-layered rings are said to be inspired by the royal wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate.
    • Fantastic Flowers and Magic Moons: In today’s age, diamond flower designs look very attractive and are very popular today. Yellow diamond roses, jeweled insects, glittery butterfly wings are all the rage. They have inspired many new designs and have inspired innovation in the field of diamond jewelry design. Necklaces, bracelets with astrological signs are in great demand and girls go absolutely crazy for them. You can click here to find such bracelets.
    • Diamond brooches – This is something that you can change your style quotient as needed. Whether you go as barrettes with your hair or will rave your bust line or perhaps add sparkles to your casual jacket, barrettes are what you need. The best thing about them is that they are suitable for casual use. Going to the flea market, a movie or a casual date, the brooches just give you the look of a wizard.

    The fact is, trends come and go with each changing generation, but it is the beauty of the diamond that remains forever.

    How to Choose a Diamond Jewelry Manufacturer

    Diamond jewelry retailers have a difficult time choosing manufacturers for their retail stores. With all kinds of wholesalers and suppliers, none guarantee the quality or timeliness of delivery, it is difficult for diamond jewelry retailers to choose the best supplier of items that can be purchased just in time before the shopping season. To add to the complication, prices keep fluctuating for products on the wholesale market, which keeps one confused as to the correct price of the items to be sold.

    The best way to familiarize yourself with the wholesale market is to do research on the internet. Most of the credible jewelry wholesalers now have an online presence, where their products are listed along with the respective prices. In addition, there are many B2B marketplace sites that help to source a specific category of diamond jewelry suppliers, along with all of their products on sale. A thorough online price comparison gives a clear idea of ​​the existing market rates, so one is better prepared to order in bulk.

    The Internet gives a clear idea of ​​the manufacturers who are able to meet your requirements effectively. One should try to choose online dealers who have the best and widest range of jewelry on display. Distributors who promise heaven, but who have an inadequate number of listings may not have the years of experience required in selling to B2B retail buyers. A safe practice is to take quotes from a couple of quality providers and then choose one that offers a good deal for the price offered.

    In any case, the most prudent diamond jewelry retailer will ensure that all shopping season purchases are made well before the holiday season begins. Keeping the purchase postponed to months closer to the shopping season can lead to last-minute rush and associated problems. In addition, regardless of the credibility of the manufacturer, the diamond jewelry manufacturer you choose must have the experience of selling products specific to the season.

    Let’s say a retailer wants to stock up for Easter season sales. In such a case, the diamond jewelry supplier or manufacturer should be able to offer specific items such as cross pendants and rings. There may be manufacturers (suppliers) who are experienced in offering solitaire rings, but when it comes to crossovers, their offerings may not measure up. This makes it necessary to start the bulk shopping season long before the season begins so that the best supplier is sought to offer finished goods.


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