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    India’s Jackfruit Goes Global, Gains Popularity As Pizza Topping, Meat Substitute And More




    • Jackfruit is known as kathal in Hindi
    • Jackfruit is being seen as one the best meat substitutes in the west
    • Jackfruit is replete with nutrients

    It wasn’t too long ago when for a majority of people abroad, jackfruit happened to be mystery tropical fruit with tons of spikes. Things are slightly different now, and our dearest ‘kathal’ is making waves across the world for its unique texture. As more and more people are turning towards plant-based diet, jackfruit  is being seen as one of the most popular ‘meat alternative’ partly because the unripe fruit’s texture is chewy like that of pork. It is not only helping the transition easier for former meat-eaters but is also being re-imagined in avatars that are taking everyone by surprise. From pizza toppings to burger patties, jackfruit has found an enviable fan base.


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