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    A Detailed TV Buying Guide 

    TV is one of the best inventions of this century. TV has taken various forms with the innovations stepping in every new year. Whenever you go to the shop, you spend a minute or two staring at the huge TV screen playing cricket matches. Many want to own a huge TV in their homes to enjoy watching movies and other entertainment shows. With the coming in of digital OTT services providers, the TVs have also become smart to provide a theatre-like experience within four walls of your home. You can consider all of the below tips to buy your dream TV.

    • Display Type 

    TVs these days, come with LED screens only mostly. In LED itself, there is a considerable amount of variation, there is QLED, OLED. QLED stands for Quantum Light Emitting Diode and OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. The QLED and OLED provide better viewing angles, less glare, best suited for night viewing, and special attention to minute details on the screen. In case you feel the OLED TVs are too pricey for your requirement, then you can go for a TV on rent.

    • Screen size 

    It is pointless when the size of the screen is way too large for your room. You tend to miss out on what is going on the screen. The ideal size of the screen would be the distance between the person and the screen divided by 1.6.

    • Refresh Rate 

    Refresh Rate means the number of times a TV screen would refresh itself that the screen displays the content seamlessly without any sort of disturbance. The higher the refresh rate, the better the display capacity. This is a point the ardent gaming fans must take a keen note of. When gamers play games on huge screens, they generally face the problem of screens hanging off in between which can be avoided when the best quality screens are put to use.

    • TV must be smart 

    We live in a smart age where every single appliance is smart. Only SMART Appliances can be connected to artificial intelligence devices like Alexa, Google Mini. These SMART TVs are not very expensive. There are a lot of players in the market. Choose the right SMART TV according to your wish and requirement. Android SMART TVs are the hottest selling in the market at the present state.

    • Connectivity 

    When it comes to connectivity, earlier it denoted only the various external ports that come along with TV. These days, connectivity means Wi-Fi and other internet connectivity. With the improvement in technology, it is vital to buy a TV which has good connectivity options.

    If you are looking for places that rent AC Mumbai, then there are chances that you can also get a lot of options in LCD or LED TVs on rent. These are some of the things you need to keep in mind while you intend to buy a TV for your homes or offices. There might be other things to consider but these are some of the most important things you must never miss out on.


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