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    Tips for Choosing the Best Cage for your Pet

    What should a cage for rodents be like? And for birds? What should its size be? And your material? These are some of the keys that we give you in this week’s post, which will help you choose the best home for your pet.

    Cages According to the Type of Animal

    Rodents and birds: Those are the two great families of animals for which the cage is an essential home. However, the differences between one and the other are very important. In the case of birds, they are usually habitats with greater vertical development, to facilitate the jumps and small flights of their tenants. This is especially evident in high-rise birdhouses. With regard to size, the ideal is to choose them in relation to the wingspan (measured with wings outstretched): The smaller the species, the greater the proportion with respect to its wingspan.

    For example, cages for canaries are usually at least three times their size. On the other hand, the space between the bars will also be essential: in small breeds, such as the aforementioned canaries or parakeets, 1.5 cm may be sufficient, while in other larger ones such as cockatoos a further separation is more convenient, of approximately 3 cm.

    With regard to rodents, the differences are also considerable according to breed. Hamster cages should not only be smaller, but they should also contain devices to meet their mobility needs: wheels, slides, etc. Rabbit cages, on the other hand, can have a more horizontal development. Due to their climbing character, squirrel cages are curiously similar to aviaries: they have a vertical design, with the difference that cages for these rodents will include wheels and exercise equipment.

    On the other hand, we cannot speak of dog crate or cats, but rather it is about carriers or baskets designed to transport these types of pets from one place to another, and not as their home itself.

    Cage materials

    Another fundamental aspect when choosing cages is their material. The most suitable for the bars is stainless steel, due to its ease of washing and disinfection. Other metals are also valid, which will also provide resistance to shocks and pressures. You can use other materials, such as polypropylene or polystyrene, although it is recommended that they be limited only to the base.

    In the case of carriers for dogs and cats, polypropylene or polystyrene can be the main material of the article, as it offers sufficient resistance to shocks and a great lightness for transport. However, the ideal is that they have a door and window with metal bars. In the case of nylon models, the openings should be made of mesh, although the ideal in the case of cats is not to be too closed to prevent their nails from being caught after a snag.

    The Style, to Take Into Account

    And of course, style is another aspect to take into account when buying a cage for rabbits, canaries or any other rodent or bird. However, no advice can be given in this section: each person has their own taste! In the case of birds, you can play with the color of the pet. But what usually predominates is its harmony with other elements of the house, such as the furniture or the decoration of the place where it will be housed.

    Whatever your priorities, in our pet store you will find a wide variety of proposals wooden dog crate. And in all cases it is perfectly indicated for what type of animal they are directed (breed and size).


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