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    British PM Boris Johnson discharged from hospital

    On Sunday, the Prime minister Boris Johnson was discharged from St. Thomas Hospital in London after a week of treatment. He was admitted to the intensive care unit before few days as he was coronavirus positive. He thanked all Doctors and staff for his treatment. PM Johnson will continue his recovery from home now. His recovery inspires us to fight against this pandemic.

    In his video message on Twitter, he thanked the whole nation and encouraged each citizen. PM Johnson tweeted – It is hard to find the words to express my debt to the NHS for saving my life. The efforts of millions of people across this country to stay home are worth it. Together we will overcome this challenge, as we have overcome so many challenges in the past.

    The death toll in the UK rises to 10,612, and around 84,279 cases are registered so far. Only 344 patients recovered. Subscribe us for more upcoming updates and news.


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