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    COVID-19: Bangladeshi doctors claim to have found corona drugs: 60 infected with insecticide and antibiotic antidote

    A team of Bangladeshi doctors have claimed to be making Covid-19 medicine. He claims that the team has prepared such an antidote by combining two drugs, which has resulted in shocking the patients. Researcher and Head of Medicine Department in Bangladesh Medical College Hospital Prof. Mohammad Tariq Alam says that we have used the drug on 60 patients of Corona and the results have been very positive. When patients were given antidote with two drugs, all patients recovered.

    Made combination of ivermectin and doxycycline.

    Pro. Tariq is a well-known expert in Bangladesh. He says the antidote was made by mixing the antibiotic doxycycline with a single dose of the parasitic-insectivorous ivermectin in animals. My team is giving both these drugs to the patients of Corona. Most of the patients were suffering from shortness of breath and their report came out positive.

    Claim, patients recovered in 4 days after giving medicine

    Mohammad Tariq claims that the drug is quite effective. Corona sufferers recovered only 4 days after giving it and did not show any side effects in patients. All the cured patients are still being monitored. There have been more than 22 thousand cases of coronavirus in Bangladesh. There have been 238 deaths due to infection.

    Research being sent to international journal

    According to Mohammad Tariq, we hope this combination will work. We are trying to take this treatment to international level by contacting the government. In addition, paperwork is underway to publish the research in an international journal.

    50 symptoms decreased in 3 days

    According to Dr. Rabiul Morshid of Bangladesh Medical College Hospital, after giving the medicine, the symptoms of corona patients are reduced by 50% in 3 days and their report is negative in 4 days.


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