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    Great Western Buildings Systems: What You Need to Know

    Great Western Building Systems, LLC (GWBS) is a metal building company headquartered in Aurora, Colorado. The company has been in business for over 20 years and manufactures and sells a variety of metal buildings, including prefabricated metal buildings, custom metal buildings, and metal building kits.

    In recent years, GWBS has been the subject of a number of lawsuits, alleging various types of fraud and negligence. One of the most notable lawsuits is a class action lawsuit filed in 2020 by a group of GWBS customers who allege that the company sold them defective metal buildings.

    The class action lawsuit alleges that GWBS knowingly sold metal buildings with a variety of defects, including:

    • Leaky roofs
    • Poorly constructed walls
    • Defective windows and doors
    • Rusted and corroded metal panels

    The lawsuit also alleges that GWBS failed to honor its warranties and refused to repair or replace the defective metal buildings.

    The class action lawsuit is still ongoing, but it could have a significant impact on GWBS. If the plaintiffs are successful, GWBS could be forced to pay millions of dollars in damages to its customers.

    In addition to the class action lawsuit, GWBS has also been the subject of a number of individual lawsuits alleging various types of fraud and negligence. For example, in 2019, a GWBS customer filed a lawsuit alleging that the company defrauded him into buying a metal building. The customer alleged that GWBS misrepresented the quality of the building and failed to disclose that the building had a number of defects.

    The lawsuit against GWBS was eventually settled, but the case highlights the potential legal risks that consumers face when dealing with the company.

    What to do if you have a problem with GWBS

    If you have a problem with a GWBS metal building, you should first try to resolve the issue directly with the company. You can contact GWBS by phone, email, or mail.

    If you are unable to resolve the issue directly with GWBS, you may want to consider filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The BBB is a non-profit organization that helps consumers resolve disputes with businesses.

    You may also want to consider filing a lawsuit against GWBS. If you are considering filing a lawsuit, you should consult with an experienced attorney.

    Tips for avoiding problems with GWBS

    If you are considering buying a metal building from GWBS, there are a few things you can do to avoid problems:

    • Do your research. Read online reviews of GWBS and talk to other customers about their experiences.
    • Get everything in writing. Before you sign any contracts, make sure that all of the terms and conditions of the sale are in writing.
    • Be careful about warranties. Make sure that you understand the terms of GWBS’s warranties and that the warranties are in writing.
    • Inspect the building carefully before you accept it. Once you accept the building, it will be difficult to get GWBS to repair or replace any defects.


    GWBS is a metal-building company that has been the subject of a number of lawsuits in recent years. If you are considering buying a metal building from GWBS, you should be aware of the potential legal risks.

    If you have a problem with a GWBS metal building, you should first try to resolve the issue directly with the company. If you are unable to resolve the issue directly with GWBS, you may want to consider filing a complaint with the BBB or filing a lawsuit against the company.

    To avoid problems with GWBS, you should do your research, get everything in writing, be careful about warranties, and inspect the building carefully before you accept it.


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