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    Patanjali: Acharya Balakrishna claims, Ayurvedic medicine prepared for treatment of corona

    Patanjali Ayurved Company CEO Acharya Balakrishna claimed on Saturday that Ayurvedic medicine to stop the spread of coronavirus and cure the infected has been prepared. He said that in the first phase of the drug clinical trial has been completed. This has resulted in a hundred percent. Hundreds of patients have recovered from this drug. He said that he will put all the evidence in front of the world with the data of patients healed in the next three-four days.

    Acharya Balakrishna said that when the coronavirus started spreading, we had set up a team of scientists for research. These scientists identified herbs to fight, spread and heal the corona. These were tried only after preparing them for the entire process. We gave this medicine to hundreds of Corona positive patients and it got 100% result.

    Balakrishna said that 70 to 80 per cent of the corona infected who were given this medicine have recovered in just five to six days. All patients recovered within 14 days of taking the drug. All such patients were later found to be corona negative. He said that this medicine was also given to serious patients and he too became healthy. Serious problems like phlegm, fever and breathing problems were also overcome.

    He said that the treatment of corona is 100% possible with Ayurveda. We have been successful in clinical trials. Now conducting clinical control trials. So far, it has also yielded positive results. In the coming three-four days, we will put the full details of this in front of the world with evidence.


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