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    Patanjali of Baba Ramdev launches Coronil and Swasari, a medicine of Corona, claims COVID-19 patients recover in seven days

    Haridwar: In the midst of Corona crisis, Patanjali launched the Corona Ayurvedic Kit on Tuesday. Patanjali says that 100 percent results of the drug have been shown during clinical trials. Patanjali claims that 100 percent corona patients have been cured in seven days. The drug names are coronil and inhaler (Coronil and Swasari). This claim has been made on behalf of the company at a time when the whole world is struggling with the corona crisis and many countries are engaged in developing medicines for the virus.
    The founder of Patanjali, Yogguru Ramdev, said that the name of the medicine is ‘coronil and breathing’. It has been developed by conducting trials and research on 280 patients across the country. There is no scientific evidence of any alternative treatment for COVID-19, even vaccines are being tested by many countries.

    Ramdev was quoted by the news agency ANI as saying, “The whole country and the world is waiting for Corona medicine or vaccine. We are happy to announce the first Ayurvedic medicine. The combined efforts of Patanjali Research Center and Nims University make this Ayurvedic Medicine has been prepared. ”

    Ramdev claimed, “We are presenting Coronil and Swasari medicines of Corona today. We have conducted two trials of these medicines. The first is a clinical control study, which has been done in Delhi, Ahmedabad and many other cities. In this we have 280 patients were included and 100 percent patients were recovered. We were able to control the corona and its herds. With this all the necessary clinical control trials were done. ”

    Ramdev said, “Clinical control study was done on 95 patients with the help of National Institute of Medical Science (NIMS) Jaipur. The biggest thing that came out in this is that 69 percent of the patients recovered in three days and positive from negative And 100 percent of the patients are negative in seven days. “


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