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    Dubai Travel: Is it Worth Renting a Car in Dubai?

    Dubai is famous for its ultramodern and outstanding brilliance. It is one of the most favorite tourist destinations and most prominent business centers across the world. It is a well-known emirate and exquisite elegance of the UAE that everyone wants to visit at least once in his life. And if you are a visitor or a tourist in Dubai for a week or more, then renting a car is an amazing option for your traveling ease.

    For visitors and ex-pats, it is easy to Car Rental Dubai in Dubai. They can easily find any car rental company with different rates and discount offers. The selection of a car rental company depends on the needs and requirements of your travel. No matter if you are in Dubai either for business matters or on family vacations, renting a car will be the best option to enjoy your trip in the city of gold.

    Here are some of the reasons given that prove why renting a car in Dubai is worth it.

    renting a car

    1- Public Transport is Tiring

    For those travelers or foreigners who are preferring public transport for traveling means in Dubai, it is a really bad idea for them. Because traveling by public transport can be tiring, and time-consuming. You have to wake up and get ready at a certain time and reach the bus station at a certain time to catch your bus. So traveling in local buses is not a good idea to travel around the city. Moreover, metro buses have limited and specified terms of routes. And the harsh weather of Dubai is another reason for not using public transport. Renting your car is the best option for you.

    2- Affordable and Convenient

    Millions of visitors and tourists visit Dubai each year and enjoy this beautiful city. It is easy for them to find the best car rental deals which are affordable and convenient for them. As car rental companies are offering a wide range of different vehicles at affordable prices and amazing discount offers. Another good thing is that paperwork is minimized and requirements are also not too high. This process becomes fast and easy with the help of government authorities. But one thing that is a must for driving in the UAE is your international driving license or IDP.

    3- Travel Long Distances

    Luckily, fuel prices in Dubai are lower as compared to many other cities of the world. So, it is easy for you to fill up your car’s tank and go on a long drive. You should not worry about the expenses of your fuel. And with your own rented car, you can easily drive outside like Abu Dhabi or Sharjah, wherever you want. An amazing fact is that most car rental companies offer you special discount offers if you hire their car for long-term car rental plans. In this way, you can drive your car at a reasonable price and can make your trip more comfortable.

    Some Car Rental Rules in Dubai

    For renting a car in Dubai there are certain rules. Some of them are mentioned here:

    • All of the above, a driving license is mandatory for driving a car in Dubai.
    • The minimum age of driving in the UAE is 18 years old. But you should be at least21 years old to drive a rented car in Dubai.
    • You will have to pay Salik Charges which are included in the final billing deed.
    • When you are driving a hired car in Dubai you will have to sign an agreement to stay in a specific region. If you break the agreement, you will be fined by your company.
    • Security deposit is another necessary thing when it comes to hiring a car in Dubai. This is because the company can claim a loss if the insurance of the car does not cover it.

    renting a car

    Some Beneficial Car Rental Tips

    Some of the advantageous car rental tips are given below:

    • Before getting a car from a rental company, check the car thoroughly. If any damage or dent you see, inform your agent instantly.
    • Check out the car rental policies as some of the rental companies do not allow pets.
    • Do not rent a car straight from the airport. It is too expensive.
    • Before finalizing your decision about a car rental company get an idea of the market price of renting a vehicle in Dubai.
    • Choose Monthly car rental Dubai services if you are in Dubai for quite some time period.


    Some of the major and essential tips for renting a car are discussed in this blog. When you are in Dubai for more than a week, renting a car for traveling around the city would be the best option for you. It is more comfortable and convenient.


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