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    What is breast augmentation?

    It is a surgical procedure sometimes known as augmentation mammoplasty that focuses on the enlargement of the breast. This boob job is done to modify the walls of the chest or to correct congenital disorders. In most cases, breast implants are placed surgically beneath the breast muscles’ tissues to get the larger size as per desire.




    Like most of the other cosmetic procedures, there are two primary purposes involves in this job.

    1. For the reconstructive purpose, this surgery deals with the breast hemisphere by creating circular augmentation through the placement of breast implants. Moreover, it also treats some birth disorders as well.
    2. For cosmetic or aesthetic purposes, this surgery deals with the modification or alteration in the texture, shape, and size of the breast because it enhances the aesthetic beauty and restores the desired shape of the body.




    In this surgical procedure, local or general anesthesia will be given to the patient. The plastic surgeon makes an incision and places the implant in the created chest pockets. Moreover, this procedure can also be done through the transfer of fat. In this technique, the surgeon takes some of your body fat through liposuction from any fatty area (usually hips, thighs, or abdomen). After processing this fat he insert this fat in a specific area of the breast.

    Additionally, there is a lot of variety in the selection of breast implants. Each of them is made up of different materials such as

    • Saline-filled breast implants
    • Silicone gel-filled breast implants
    • Cohesive gel silicone gel-filled implants

    So it is essential to choose a certified and qualified surgeon. Tell him about your goals, and then he will suggest to you the most appropriate way to fulfill your desire.




    This cosmetic surgery offers an extensive list of benefits because of its higher proportion of success. Some of the main benefits are listed below.

    • It boosts the level of self-esteem and confidence in women.
    • You get your desired physical appearance in clothes.
    • It corrects the shape, size, and symmetry of the breast that has been affected by pregnancy or aging and makes it more appealing.
    • The results of this surgery are relatively long-lasting than other procedures.
    • It treats the unwanted appearance of the breast and makes it firmer and young.
    • It also corrects the uneven chest if you feel one is greater than the other.


    Side effects or complications


    There are also some complications and risks that are associated with this surgery. But to fix them initially may help you to go into further issues. Here is a list of some associated risks.

    • The placement of implants is not lifetime guaranteed; you have to replace it that may lead to some complications like pain and discomfort.
    • There is an involvement of casual surgical risks.
    • The scars may leave a mark because incisions are created in different places like beneath the chest or near the armpit.
    • This procedure may be painful because of the placement of implants.
    • Initially, you will experience itchiness, swelling and difficulty in the movement of the arm.


    Recovery period


    It takes some weeks to recover from the initial complications. For rapid recovery, you should take the following measures.

    • Go for a regular checkup.
    • Take all the medicines and precautions regularly to avoid any further issues. Moreover, taking medicine on time will fast the healing process and prevent you from the risk of getting the infection.
    • If you feel that any initial complication or pain is lasting longer than usual instantly visit your doctor.
    • You may experience a change in the sensation, but this happens in severe cases.

    Furthermore, you have to follow all the instructions of the surgeon carefully to avoid the leakage or rupture of implants. Be careful about choosing the certified surgeon and tell him about your medical history and also talk about your goals that whether they deal with the aesthetic purpose or reconstructive purpose. It will help in the successful completion of your surgery. And be realistic about your goals and follow the post guidelines given by the doctor to avoid the risk of any complication or infection.


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