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    5 deaths due to earthquake in Mexico, 7.4 magnitude earthquake for the 5th time in 24 hours in Mexico; tsunami alert

    • There have been 20 earthquakes in the last 7 days. Previously, More than 700 people died due to the earthquake in 2017.
    • According to the US Geological Survey, the epicenter of the earthquake was 12 kilometers from Oaxaca State.

    Five people died and 30 people were injured in a strong earthquake in Mexico on Tuesday. A 7.4-magnitude tremor was felt in Mexico City, South Mexico and Central Mexico. About 200 houses have been damaged here. At the same time, 140 aftershocks came in 24 hours. This makes people in panic. According to the US Geological Survey, the epicenter of the earthquake was 12 kilometers from the state of Oaxaca. Soon after, the US Tsunami Warning System has also issued tsunami warnings in the state.

    According to the time there, the earthquake occurred at 10.29 am. President of Mexico André Manuel López Obrodor said that more than 140 aftershocks have been felt since the earthquake.

    More than 700 people lost their lives in the 2017 earthquake

    It was preceded by two earthquakes in Mexico in 2017. On September 8, there were 8.1 earthquake tremors. More than 150 people died in it. A second earthquake of 7.1 magnitudes occurred on 20 September. More than 500 people died in it. The scene of destruction was seen everywhere.

    20th-time tremors in 7 days

    According to EarthquakeTrack.com, there have been 20 earthquakes in Mexico in the last 7 days. However, the earthquake of the highest intensity occurred on Tuesday. In the last 24 hours, tremors have been felt 4 times. According to the data, earthquake tremors have been felt here 99 times this year.


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