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    5 Things That Trigger an Industrial Circuit Breaker

    An industrial circuit breaker is supposed to handle the maximum voltage by breaking any potential electrical overload. You use it to maintain electrical balance, preventing any machine from overdrawing on the current flow. The industrial circuit breakers are in three categories, low voltage, medium voltage, and high voltage. Your circuit automatically switches off the moment it detects an electrical overload. This vital industrial equipment protects your workers and machinery from the risks of power surges. However, frequent power cuts have a negative financial effect. Therefore, it is necessary to know some things that can trigger your industrial circuit breaker. You don’t want to have a huge power bill, so it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. Choosing a dependable provider such as TXU Energy, will help you keep that power bill in check. The following are the common causes.

    1. Overloading

    You overload the circuit when a power source has to supply more than the standard limit. At this limit, the industrial circuit breaker is liable to be triggered. You cause overloading connecting too many machines to a single power source. When these machines are operating simultaneously, the resultant overload makes the circuit breaker to trip. It can happen when you install additional machinery to enhance operation. The entrance of the new machinery into the already optimal operating circuit demands an increase in power requirement. The new demand is beyond the threshold of the power supply. In addition to that, when you install replacement machinery with higher amperage and exceeding the rating of the circuit breaker, it is triggered.

    1. Faulty machinery

    A surge in electric power is not only caused by an unstable power supply or new machinery. It can a result of that old machinery that suddenly requires more energy to operate. It is often due to the machine being faulty and unable to work under the usual power supply. This high demand is to help your equipment have sufficient supply exceeds the limit of your circuit breaker. When the power the equipment drawn exceeds the limit, the installed circuit breaker gets triggered. Faulty machines sometimes are a result of a lack of maintenance. Often check for abnormal temperatures and emissions. You must conduct a regular review of the condition of the machinery and service.

    1. Short-Circuiting

    Short-circuiting occurs when an electrical current passes through an unplanned path. It is as a result of the opposing wires carrying current coming into contact. It may also be caused by sparks when a wire overheats. Overheating happens by overloading the electrical circuit. The heat burns away the insulating cover, at times even causing flames. It causes physical contact of the exposed wires carrying current in the opposite direction or the sparking resulting in short-circuiting. This unwarranted contact trips the circuit breaker. Along with that, it may be wrong wiring or loose wiring cause wires to come into contact and eventually sparking. Not forgetting there are also non-human factors beyond you like earthquakes and storms causing structural and electrical damages.

    1. Wrong wiring

    Wrong wiring is a failure to connect the wires correctly as demanded in an electrical circuit. It results in abnormal function or complete stalling of your industrial circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is unable to detect any overflow of power. The failure endangers both your personnel and the equipment. When doing machine maintenance, there is a need to be keen since incorrect maintenance of the circuit breaker would lead to bad connections. The faulty connection is prone to make the circuit breaker either behave abnormally or be unresponsive. In production, be watchful of any signs of rust. The equipment has to be well maintained by dealing with the problem of steam and vapors. It can corrode the wires and affect the flow of current and cause the breaker to trip.

    1. Earth fault

    Earth fault happens when a charged wire comes into contact with an earth wire and spreads dangerous currents. These wrong currents spread to the industrial circuit breaker and can be fatal. The overcurrent is equally destructive to your machinery. Though your facility may withstand a single earth fault, anything beyond that is disastrous. Nevertheless, there are insulated monitoring devices that should be in your facility. Monitoring devices help identify the source of the problem. Engage qualified technicians for thorough inspection and diagnosis of the problem. Ensure that you take every measure against earth fault; it is a cause of industrial circuit breaker tripping.


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