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    5 Tips Before Buying A Home That You Should Keep In Mind

    If you are thinking of buying it seems that everything is good news, but you should take into account some tips before buying a home.

    As we know that this is not a game, but that it can become the most important investment of your life, we have prepared 6 tips so that you can be completely right when it comes to acquiring what will be your new home and that of your family.

    These are the 6 most important tips before buying a home:

    1. Choose what type of housing best suits your needs.

    There are many options at Prestige Maple Heights when buying a home: Apartments, flats, duplexes, chalets, country houses. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Therefore, it is important to know what needs we have in terms of housing and see what objectives we seek when buying one.

    It would also be logical to look into the future and ask ourselves a series of questions that will be important later on.

    For example, we should ask ourselves if the family will increase or not, if we want a quiet area where children can play or a central area close to everything, if we think about having pets, etc.

    We give you an example, if our idea was that in 10 years the family unit increases to 6 members and we want to have 2 pets, it would not be a good idea to buy a small 2-bedroom apartment.

    2. Examine the location.

    This advice is a bit at odds with the previous one. What we want to tell you with this advice is that you take into account the expectations you are looking for with your future home in terms of its location.

    We would have to evaluate the distance with respect to schools, means of transport available from the place, distance to the workplace, health center, supermarkets, banks, places of leisure,…

    It will also be good to know what kind of neighborhood we want to live in, if we like large or small neighborhoods, quieter or less, and what kind of neighbors there are in each area, among other things.

    3. Fixed or variable rate mortgage?

    Currently variable rate mortgages are very attractive because the Euribor is still quite low. This would make us find ourselves in a very favorable situation right now.

    The problem is that this situation will not last forever. A mortgage is usually around 20 or 30 years, more than enough time for the Euribor to fluctuate at significant percentages. This must be a factor to take into account and not get carried away by the current situation alone.

    On the other hand, fixed-rate mortgages are positioned as a very good option, since without being as interesting at the moment as the previous example, “it is still an attractive offer at the moment, since it allows us to offer much lower rates than in the past” analyzes BBVA.

    This type of mortgage is especially recommended for people who want to avoid any type of setback in terms of their mortgage payment.

    4. That the bank does not deceive you.

    There are not a few occasions when one requests a mortgage from the bank and the bank wants to add the obligation to contract some type of insurance or product.

    In this aspect, you should know that banks at no time can condition the granting of the mortgage to the contracting of insurance or products.

    What is an option is that you can reach an agreement in which, by contracting this type of insurance or products, the bank can reward you by lowering the interest rate on the mortgage.

    In any case, before deciding, we must make calculations of whether we are interested or not, and compare the price they are offering us with that of other banks.

    5. Seek advice from real estate professionals.

    Many people choose to search for a home on their own and embark on their home purchase without any outside advice. What at first may seem like an economic saving, can turn into future headaches and bad decisions. Our recommendation is that you seek professionals in this field to advise you on such an important decision as this.

    These advisors know the appropriate price of each house according to its location. They also have experience and knowledge within the real estate market, and are trained to carry out all the procedures to follow and guarantee that the operation is successful.

    On the other hand, these professionals have been trained to negotiate and reach the best possible agreement, so they will surely achieve better prices for your benefit.


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