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    China supports investigation into outbreak of corona virus epidemic

    Chinese President Xi Jinping said at an important summit of the World Health Organization that he supports the investigation into the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic but stressed that we should wait for this investigation until the epidemic is under control Not found

    Xi said this after the World Health Organization supported the resolution calling for an independent investigation into the epidemic by more than 100 countries. So far more than three lakh people have died worldwide due to the Korna virus epidemic.

    President Xi defended his country at the World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting, saying Beijing had acted transparently about the origin of the virus, first discovered in the central Chinese city of Wuhan last year.

    He said- “We all have acted with openness, transparency and responsibility, we have provided timely information to the WHO and the countries concerned, we have shared the experiences of control and treatment as soon as possible.


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