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    Markets will open in Delhi due to the rule of Odd-Even, today shops will open in these areas

    According to the Audi-Even rule set by the Delhi government, from Tuesday, large commercial centers like Connaught Place and Khan Market will be opened. However, some big markets with huge crowds such as Chandni Chowk and Sadar Bazaar will remain closed.

    Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday announced permission to open shops in markets under the Odd-Even rule. Also, warned that along with the closure of shops of shopkeepers who do not ensure adherence to the rules of social distancing, action will be taken against them.

    New Delhi Merchants Association (NDTA) president Atul Bhargava said, “We will start functioning from Tuesday and follow the orders of Aud-Even as per the orders of the government. Connaught Place is built in such a way that the rules of social distancing here are followed It won’t hurt to do it. “

    He said that we are disappointed with the Odd-Even rule because instead of applying it to every market, a decision should have been taken according to the market. President of Khan Market Merchants Association, Sanjeev Mehra also said that the market will be opened from Tuesday.

    At the same time, Ashok Randhawa, president of Sarojini Nagar Bazaar Trade Association, said, “Shops in Sarojini Nagar Bazaar will be opened from Tuesday. We met the police officers on Monday and it was decided that one policeman at each of the eight entrances of the market Will be deployed and a representative from the market will be present with thermal screening equipment and sanitizer.


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