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    Cabinet meeting to be held at CM Ashok Gehlot’s residence at 7:30 pm

    The party has taken major action by removing Sachin Pilot from the post of Deputy Chief Minister and President of the State Congress Committee in the absence of a meeting of the Congress Legislature Party amid a political crisis in Rajasthan. BJP’s reaction has come after this decision of Congress. Rajasthan BJP president Satish Poonia said, ‘People are angry and disappointed with this government and no power in the world can save this government. Our priority is that this government fall. We are monitoring the situation and will decide our strategy later.

    At the same time, there will be a meeting of the state cabinet at 7:30 pm today at the residence of CM Gehlot and then a meeting of the Council of Ministers at eight o’clock at night.

    After being removed from the post of Deputy Chief Minister and President of the State Congress Committee, Pilot tweeted that truth can be disturbed and not defeated. In his place Govind Singh Dotasara has been appointed as State President. After the Congress Legislature Party meeting ended, the state Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot met Governor Kalraj Mishra.


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