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    Covid-19: These steps of Delhi government halted the speed of coronavirus

    There is a sense of relief for Delhi that the strategy adopted by the Delhi government to stop Corona has proved to be effective. The pace of corona infection in the capital has now slowed down. At present, the number of active patients is only 19,155 as compared to 25,038 active patients last week. At the same time, 32 patients were found positive in the first week of June after every 100 patients were examined, but this week (till July 12), nine percent patients have been found positive on the examination of hundred patients.

    Even the recovery rate of Corona patients was 71.74 last week, but this week the recovery rate has been 79.98 percent. All these figures indicate that the rate of infection of corona in the capital has decreased.

    In the second week of July, there has been a decrease in the number of serious patients admitted to hospitals in the capital. Last week, 65 percent beds were empty in hospitals, but 72 percent beds are empty this week. At the same time, in the first week of June, the daily requirement of 215 beds in the second week was 171 beds per day, but now only 139 beds are needed per day. That is, serious patients admitted are reduced. Similarly, the death rate was 3.64 percent last month, which has now come down to three percent.


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