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    COVID-19 News: Largest spike of 9304 confirmed cases on Thursday in India

    The cases of corona infection rising in the country have once again raised concerns. There are more than nine thousand cases on Thursday. This is the first time such a large number of new cases have been reported. India has moved to the seventh position in the list of countries affected by Corona. Beyond that are America, Brazil, Russia, UK Spain and Italy. Patients in sensitive states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Delhi continue to grow at a fast pace.

    According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry, a record 9304 cases were reported in the last 24 hours with the number of infected persons reaching 2,16,919. During this period 260 people also died, with the number of dead increased to 6075. This is the fifth consecutive day when the number of new patients has been more than eight thousand. At present, the number of active patients in the country is 1,06,737 while 1,04,107 people have gone home healthy

    According to the Union Health Ministry, the rate of recovery of people has been reduced to 47.99 percent. On Thursday, the highest number of deaths was 123 in Maharashtra. Apart from this, 33 deaths occurred in Gujarat, 12 in Tamil Nadu, 9 in Delhi, 5 in Madhya Pradesh, two in Bihar, two in Haryana, two in Uttar Pradesh and one in Uttarakhand. On Thursday, 1359 new cases were reported in Delhi.

    Maharashtra, the worst affected by Corona, has reported 2933 cases a day. With this, the number of infected in the state has increased to 77,793. While 123 people died during the last 24 hours, 1352 recovered and went home. So far 2710 people have died in the state and 33,681 have been cured. There are now 41102 active cases at this time.


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