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    How Artificial intelligence can detect Corona infected person?

    Doctors test people having symptoms of Corona. They can take the help of any test, i.e., swab test, nasal aspirate, tracheal aspirate, sputum test, or blood test. These tests take time and may become insufficient if the size of infected people increases in the upcoming days.

    Scientists from all fields and backgrounds are devoting their knowledge to overcome this epidemic. Some computer scientists are taking the help of technology to detect COVID-19 infected people.

    How Artificial intelligence is helping?

    Researchers in the US and China have developed an artificial intelligence device that can give accurate information about which patients have an infection level. This device can check the level of apprehension of the severity of the disease by examining the loosening in the lungs of new diseases infected with the Coronavirus.

    However, it is successful at primary level studies. Researchers reported on Monday that their ready-made AI tool predicted 80 percent accuracy in which patients could have coronavirus levels fatal? This device can help doctors decide which patients are preferred in the ICU of a hospital and for ventilators?

    Researchers at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine designed the device after studying with one Central Hospital and the Kangal People’s Hospital in China. The team has analyzed data from 53 coronavirus patients.

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    A research article on the device, published by physician Megan Coffey at the Grosman School of Medicine, was published in the online journal Computer Material and Kunjua on 30 March.

    Water increases in the Lungs

    The device has also discovered many surprising signs associated with the disease. If you understand in easy words, water gets filled in the lungs of the patient. This led to the death of about 50% of patients, although other studies found more than 60 men at high risk.

    Hospitals will reduce the burden of clinical professor at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and permanent author of the study, Dr. Ansh Such Wari said that when this tool is developed, it will be easier for the doctors to assess the critical condition of the patient, this will reduce the burden on the hospitals. Will happen.


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