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    States cannot change lockdown 4.0 guidelines

     The Ministry of Home Affairs has said that no state or union territory will reduce the guidelines issued for the nationwide lockdown till May 31. In a message to the chief secretaries of the states and union territories, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla said that on May 11, the fourth phase of the lockdown was taken after the views and views of the states were taken after a video conference organized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the chief ministers. Guidelines were issued for

    He said, “As clarified in my earlier letters, I would like to reiterate that states and union territories cannot reduce or change the guidelines issued by the MHA.” Depending on the assessment of the situation, states and union territories may restrict certain other activities in various areas. ” Bhalla said in his letter to the Chief Secretaries on Sunday night, “I would urge you to ensure compliance with the new guidelines and direct all concerned authorities to their strict implementation.”

    He said that the states and union territories have been given the right to form red, orange and green zones in view of the condition of corona virus infection in their respective areas. Based on the guidelines issued on Sunday, the district administration will mark ‘prohibited’ and ‘buffer’ zones in its red and orange zones.

    The letter said that the movement of people within the prohibited area will be completely restricted, there will be a ban on movement from any other zone to this zone, only people connected with medical or other essential services will be able to come here, these areas Uninterrupted supply of essential commodities will continue. The Home Secretary said that the ban on certain activities across the country will continue.

    The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has extended the nationwide lockdown to 31 May. The new lockdown guidelines will replace the old orders. There will be no change in the Effective Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) only in relation to the movement of people. The lockdown is in force in the country from 25 March. Its first phase was till 14 April and the second phase was till 3 May. At the same time, the third phase ended on Sunday midnight


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