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    Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad appealed to people regarding Coronavirus


    new Delhi: Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has appealed not to look suspiciously at those recovering from coronavirus. He has said that there is a need to be sensitive to such people. Along with this, he has also advised people to avoid rumors.

    The Union Minister has also posted a video in this regard from his official Twitter handle. In which it is said that any person can come in the grip of corona virus, whether an actor or a laborer or a child. There is a need to provide sensitivity and support to all these people. Through this video, people have been appealed to choose their words carefully for the person suffering from Corona virus.

    Also read: ‘If lies lie ..’, Kapil Mishra targets Kejriwal on death toll from Corona

    In the video about Fake News, it has been told not to spread false news and rumors like this virus (COVID-19). Just as social distancing helps the virus to spread, similarly the correct information also helps to prevent it from spreading. It is said in the video that just as this corona virus does not discriminate against people, in the same way we should not be biased. Not only this, we have been advised to stand united against him to defeat Corona.

    The helpline number + 91-11-23978046 has been given in the video for any kind of information related to Coronavirus. Apart from this, WhatsApp number 9013151515 and email id- ncov2019@gov.in has been given. On which people can get information related to corona by calling, messaging or mailing.



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