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    Affordable Health Insurance in Switzerland For Self Employed

    You are here probably because you are planning to start or have just started some business of your own. Or, for that matter, already self-employed and looking for getting an affordable health insurance plan in Switzerland. 

    Interestingly, about 12.3% of working adults are self-employed in Switzerland, but It is never easy to start anything new. Moving forward in a new direction or changing course needs a lot of research and effort. As a self-employed, you need several types of Insurances. This blog covers both new and existing ones and focuses on your health-related insurance needs. 

    As the saying goes, Health is wealth. Good health gives you a more prolonged and wealthier life, and your work keeps on rolling. Good health care tops it up, as it provides you financial protections and benefits. There is a cost for everything! Lets us deep dive and see how a self employee can take health insurance within reasonable limits.

    Things You Must Know

    Health insurance is mandatory for every resident in Switzerland, may it be freelancers. And it is paid too. Self-employed persons can also get financial coverages for risks due to loss of earnings or illness, or accident.

    As a self-employed or a business person, if your employee falls sick, it will be your duty to continue to pay their salary (though for a limited period).  The best part is you can get yourself insured for this. Many insurance companies do offer daily sickness benefits. Explore it by going online and compare various plans. Health insurance comparison online will provide you with many product variants, and you can easily compare the benefits and premiums.

    Daily Sickness Benefits

    Self-employed individuals who do not have any employees should get an accident cover included in their private health insurance package with daily sickness benefits. This covers income loss occurrence for a maximum of two years and is the percentage agreed in terms. Self-employed must get it so that their medical and hospital expenses are covered. 

    Compulsory accident insurance (UVG)

    Compulsory accident insurance (UVG) provides you and your employees a minimum legally required medical protection against any financial loss due to accident or occupational illness in the case of an accident. It covers treatments of outpatient and inpatients in the general ward of the hospital. It also starts paying 80% of your salary from the third day after the accident. This payout has a  capping of a maximum of CHF 148,200. In the long term, the insurance also covers pensions which are 80% of an employee’s insured salary. In case of unfortunate event of death, spouse’s gets pension up to 40% of the insured salary, half-orphans pension up to 15% of the insured salary, and in case of full it is 25%, and various other benefits available. All these can be covered by a health insurance plan and making appropriate selections. This way, you get medical and financial protection both.

    Supplementary accident insurance

    You can also take supplementary accident insurance to offer additional cover to your employees (over and above mandatory cover). Here they can get treated in a semi-private or a private ward, paying a lump sum in case of disability or death. Though it is not compulsory to take it, it will surely make your employees feel better and content, working with you. After all, it’s your employees who are at the back behind your success story. If you take care of them well, surely they will respond appropriately, work for long with new, new hires will aspire for your company.


    As a self-employed, you can take Health insurance in Switzerland within an affordable range. You just have to be conscious of your liabilities, the number of employees, the nature of your business or job, expectations of your employees, your moral responsibilities, and financial status. While doing a health insurance comparison online [Refer French & German Version], you have to fill out some basic details for the comparison options. Most of them offer you free quotes. So think well, and make the right choice to pay the lowest premium with maximum benefits.


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