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    Types Coffee Lovers: Which Type Are You?

    What does a cup of coffee mean to you? The answer may not be as simple as ‘a wake me up’ or ‘a keep me up.’ To many of us, coffee brings many associations to mind, from the beautiful custom coffee bags of our favorite brew to its taste on our palates. Most of us associate it with our morning routines as a fundamental and most pleasurable part of our daily lives.

    About every coffee aficionado agrees that they don’t love coffee just for the taste, and it is also for the small and big sensations that accompany this invaluable habit. However, differences arise when it comes to the reasons why their brew is such an essential part of their day. caffeine has become embedded in people’s personalities, as well as their way of thinking and living.

    The moments you associate with your daily cup of coffee isolate coffee lovers into various types. Here are a few:

    The Wake-Me-Up-In-the-Morning Type

    This is quite a large category. This persona needs their caffeine to really feel awake and ready for their day. Whether they need it right before going to work, after a long night, or before going to class early, they need their caffeine.

    They’d instead run a little late than have to go to work or school without coffee. They would most likely miss a turn or fail to see the bus if they tried to leave without their daily brew. Friendly advice, ignore it at your own peril: do NOT talk to this person before they have their caffeine.

    The Let’s-Grab-Coffee-and-Chat Type

    For this person, an espresso will precede a big delicious hot double cappuccino, a latte, or even an Americano. The reason? They need quite a significant amount of caffeine to go with all the chit-chat.

    If we’re being honest, catching up almost always gives way to light gossip that will demand some amount of confidentiality. This type of person will associate the good taste of coffee with the moments away from work, indoors, and the company of a good or even trusted friend.

    The Where’s-My-Customary-After-Lunch-Coffee Type

    We have to accept that midday siestas are a long-forgotten tradition. Today, the post-lunch break or rest is accompanied by a stop by the coffee machine or at the espresso bar of a coffee shop. The body often goes into a sort of a mini-hibernation mode after lunch despite needing to be in top shape for the additional afternoon hours.

    This kind of person prefers completing their restart with some sips of their favorite caffeine brew. The change in their mood and overall demeanor is often easily noticeable. Whether you’re working in the office, at home, or studying at school, that’s their routine.

    The Take-Away-Coffee Type

    Anyone who really knows this type of person has multiple memories of them with a takeaway coffee in hand. The weather, what they’re carrying, or how far they’re traveling doesn’t matter; they’ll have a coffee in one hand. It’s a pleasure rather than a necessity.

    The caffeine is not a load; it’s like the hand of a trusted friend. Every sip isn’t routine; it’s a friendly pat or kiss on the cheek. Some will brew themselves a cup to go, while the rest will make a habitual stop by their favorite caffeine shop and ask for “a takeaway caffeine, please!”

    The Weekends-Without-Coffee-Aren’t-Weekends Type

    This person considers the weekend to be the time for a direly needed break from their daily routine. Coffee ranks high among the rituals that characterize the weekend for this persona—for them, taking a caffeine while relaxed is the ultimate pleasure.

    They’ll kick their sleepers off and lie on the couch, reading a book or newspaper, watching a movie, or just watching the rainfall by the window. If they’re strolling in the park or by the sea, their caffeine is often all the company they’ll need. This caffeine lover knows how to enjoy their personal time, and it shows!

    Winding Up: Did That Sound Familiar?

    Our bet is that you can recognize yourself in one of these coffee-lover types. If not, then you’re unique – in a league of your own. What we know is that we all love the taste of our caffeine and what accompanies it. Having a unique coffee experience is, after all, the goal!


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