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    Afghan rejects Taliban allegations says India one of biggest donors in reconstruction


    Afghanistan- India TV

    New Delhi. The Government of Afghanistan said that India is one of the countries with significant contribution in rebuilding the war-torn country and helping in the peace process. Foreign Ministry spokesman Gran Hewad said that Afghanistan’s relationship with India is based on international norms and mutual respect. He said this on the Taliban’s allegation that India has been playing a negative role in Afghanistan for a long time. India has been one of the important parties in the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan. India has supported the Afghan-led and Afghan-controlled national peace and reconciliation process.

    Hewad told Radio Azadi that India has cooperated in the development and reconstruction sector and is expected to contribute to the peace process. He said, “India is one of the important donor countries and has helped in the development and reconstruction areas of Afghanistan. We hope that India and other neighboring countries will play an important role in the peace process in Afghanistan. ”Mullah Abbas Sthankzai, the deputy head of the Taliban office in Qatar, recently alleged that India had only been concerned with those people for the last two decades And supported only those whom foreigners had seated in power and did not keep a relationship with those who were not in Afghanistan Was selected. He had said that India should cooperate in the Afghanistan peace process.

    Jalmi Khalilzad, the US representative of the peace and reconciliation cleanup process, had discussed peace in Afghanistan with Indian officials during his visit to India and demanded cooperation in it. He came to India earlier this month. Afghanistan political analyst Khalid Sadat told Radio Azadi that if the Taliban continued to make such comments, it would affect Afghanistan’s diplomatic relations in the future.

    On Monday, Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar held a video conference with Foreign Minister S Jaishankar. Both sides discussed mutual interests and economic peace process, including economic and security cooperation.


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