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    Army chief Narwane said – Pakistan created TRF, new tension on Indo-China border

    • Narwane said, TRF does not mean the resistance force but the Terror Revival Front, Pakistan is funding it.
    • Said: Pakistan is working to spread terror in Jammu and Kashmir to attract undue attention.

    New Delhi. Chief of Army Staff Manoj Mukund Narwane said on Wednesday that Pakistan has set up the new Resistance Force (TRF), a new terrorist organization operating in Jammu and Kashmir. It also gets funding from there itself. Narwane said, “I consider TRF as” Terror Revival Front “. Many such organizations are active in Jammu and Kashmir. All these have their roots across the border i.e. Pakistan. We will deal with them in the same way as other terrorist organizations. On the other hand, on the tension on the India-China border said that this is not new. These face-offs have also occurred before. There are protocols to deal with these. We negotiate and deal at the level of local (field) commanders and at the military delegation level.

    Pakistan continues to panic to draw attention to Kashmir

    The army chief said about the sudden escalating terrorist incidents in Kashmir, that these too keep increasing with the weather. Now the weather in Jammu and Kashmir is right, so terrorist incidents have increased. They decrease to a great extent as soon as winter occurs. But the security force is ready to deal with every situation. He said that these days Pakistan’s role in such incidents has increased more. He is working to spread panic in Jammu and Kashmir to get everyone’s attention.

    The Chief of Army also said these things somewhere.

    • Those who just face-off in East-Ladakh and Sikkim, it is coincidental that they are together. There is no connection in these.
    • During the patrolling, soldiers of both the countries face each other, then face-off.
    • The Indian Army supports Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’.
    • In support of this, 70-75 percent of the orders of the Indian Army are from Indian companies.


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