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    Bihar: Number of corona infected increased by a slight lapse, migrants increase concern

    Following the arrival of migrant laborers in Bihar, there has been a rapid increase in the number of corona virus infections. It is now being said that if migrant laborers were sent to their home states before they were examined and treated, perhaps the pace of corona infection could have been prevented. According to Health Department data in the last four days Bihar More than 400 positive cases were reported. Taking a look at the data released by the department’s Principal Secretary Sanjay Kumar, out of 8337 samples of migrant laborers coming from special trains from other states, 651 positives were found.

    He told that most of them are laborers from Delhi. Of the people who came from Delhi, samples of 1362 people were taken, of which 835 people were tested. 218 people were found positive in this, which is 26 percent.

    Similar situation West Bengal They also have laborers coming from. According to data released by the department on Monday, 12 percent of migrant laborers from West Bengal were found positive, while 11 percent of migrant laborers from Maharashtra were found positive. Apart from this, nine percent of the workers returning from Haryana were found positive.

    Here, the process of laborers continues in Bihar. Sanjay Aggarwal, Transport Nodal Officer and Secretary, Department of Transport, said, “An advance plan has been made for the next 8 days i.e. 505 trains will come by May 26. Nodal officials of the state are in touch, who bring people from different states to Bihar Connections are being made. People are coming from states like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat etc. Also coming from South India. “

    Train schedules have been made from 18 states, which is expected to bring an additional 8 lakh people. He informed that the people coming by trains are being sent from the station to the headquarters of different districts through buses from where they are being sent to the Block Quarantine Center. For this, 4500 buses have been installed.

    Here, Patna Medical College Hospital Superintendent de Vimal Karkar told that it was difficult to guess how much the infection would have spread if the migrants had reached the village directly. The Quarantine Center is proving to be very effective in preventing infection. He says, “A large number of expatriates are coming from Gujarat, Delhi and Maharashtra. Spending time in the Quarantine Center before entering their home in the village almost eradicates the fear of infection among their family and people.” “

    It is noteworthy that the number of corona infected has reached 1442 in Bihar. While 116 positives were found in the state on May 18, 148 people were found positive on May 17 and 99 on May 16.


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