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    Coronavirus: 48.01 lakh infected and 3.16 lakh deaths so far; Lockdown in Nepal extended till 2 June

    • So far, 295 cases of infection have been reported in Nepal, while two people have died.
    • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said- 40 thousand Karonavirus tests are done every day in the state

    so far, 4,804,294 people have been infected with Coronavirus in the world. 1,858,754 are cured. At the same time, the figure of deaths has increased to 3,16,663. The lockdown in Nepal has been extended until 2 June. The cabinet has extended it by 15 days. Meanwhile, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got the coronovirus tested during a live briefing in front of reporters.

    Cuomo said that they wanted to show how fast and easy the test is. He said that about 40 thousand tests are being done every day in the state. New York has been an epidemic epicenter in America. 139 people have died here in 24 hours. The figure of deaths has increased to 28 thousand 325.

    Coronavirus: 10 most affected countries

    Country Cases Deaths Recovered
    America 15,27,664 90,978 3,46,389
    Russia 2,81,752 2,631 67373
    Spain 2,77,719 27,650 1,95,945
    Britain 2,43,695 34,636 Not available
    Brazil 2,41,080 16,118 94,122
    Italy 2,25,435 31,908 1,25,176
    France 1,79,569 28,108 61,213
    Germany 1,76,651 8,049 1,53,400
    Turkey 1,49,435 4,140 1,09,962
    Iran 1,20,198 6,988 94,464

    These data are taken from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/.

    America: more than 90 thousand deaths

    In America, 820 people have died in 24 hours. The death toll has reached more than 90 thousand. Every day there has been a decrease in deaths. More than 15 lakh 27 thousand people are infected in the country. New York and New Jersey are the most affected. There are over three lakh infections in New York alone. More than one lakh cases have been reported in New Jersey, while 10,000 people have died.

    France: 28 thousand people died

    In France, 483 people died in 24 hours. The number of dead has increased to 28 thousand 108. The Health Ministry said on Sunday that 54 people died in hospitals while 429 died in old age homes. More than 1 lakh 79 thousand are infected in the country. France has relaxed the lockdown rules implemented since two months to bring its sluggish economy back on track. Some economic activities are allowed to start here. Health Minister Oliver Veeran has said that the situation will be reviewed within 10 to 15 days. Further strategies will then be considered.


    Italy: New cases and reduction in deaths

    A day before Italy granted sanctions relief, the country recorded the lowest 145 deaths. This figure is lower after applying lockdown. Now every day deaths are coming down. At the same time, 675 new cases have been found in 24 hours. This figure is the lowest after 4 Mart. A day earlier on Saturday, 875 new cases were found, while 153 deaths occurred. The biggest relief will be given in the 10-week-long lockdown in the country from Monday. Shop, restaurant, salon, beach will be opened.

    Brazil: More than 16 thousand people died

    In the Latin American country Brazil, 485 people have died in 24 hours. The number of dead here has reached 16 thousand 118. With 7,938 new cases coming up in a day, the total number of infected has increased to 2 lakh 41 thousand 80. There has been a decrease in the number of new cases of infections and deaths in Brazil. In terms of infection, Brazil has reached fifth place after America, Russia, Spain and Britain.

    Israel: 9 new cases of infection found

    During the 24 hours in Israel, nine new cases have been reported and four people have died. So far 16,617 cases of infection have been confirmed in the country. At the same time, 272 people have lost their lives. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced last Thursday the reopening of schools in areas where there are fewer cases of infection. After this, schools were opened in some areas from Sunday. During this period, apart from cleanliness, special attention will be given to maintaining physical distance between children. From May 20, people will be allowed to go to the beach.

    Portugal: Emergency extended until 31 May

    The emergency in the European country Portugal has been extended until 31 May. The Council of Ministers has passed a resolution declaring a national emergency. This decision will help reduce the spread of infection in the country and start economic activities. In the meantime, in addition to the state of transition in the country, a further strategy will be formulated only after reviewing the social and economic situation. The Emergency was imposed here for the first time on 18 March, which has been extended twice so far.


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