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Ut interdum risus felis, eget rhoncus sem aliquam nec. Sed eu congue arcu. Duis ultricies orci nec diam malesuada accumsan. Aliquam pulvinar pulvinar orci, nec ornare ex efficitur ac. Proin quis laoreet quam. Praesent sagittis mollis turpis tempus sodales. Ut efficitur tortor nec condimentum ornare.

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    COVID-19 news : 60 New positive cases of corona virus in Uttarakhand

    Corona virus cases in the country have increased to over 2 lakh 16 thousand. Good news has also come amidst the ever increasing corona infection. So far, 1,04,107 patients have become healthy across the country. At the same time, there are 1,06,737 active cases and 6,075 people have died so far. Due to select states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Delhi, the increasing number of new cases is not decreasing. A record 9,304 new cases of corona virus have been reported during the last 24 hours, while 260 people have died during this period.

    Due to the corona transition, five more cantonment zones have been created in Delhi. The total cantonment zone in the national capital now stands at 163. So far 59 areas have been de-colonized. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital does not report on time. Today 70% of people are dying within 24 hours of reaching the hospital because their reports are coming in 5-7 days. This is very wrong, the report should come in 24 hours: Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain

    There have been 60 new positive cases of corona virus in Uttarakhand. The total number of cases in the state has gone up to 1145: Directorate of Medical Health and Family Welfare, Uttarakhand

    Last night, 13 new cases of corona virus have been reported in Manipur. The total number of corona virus positive cases has now increased to 121 in the state, out of which 83 are active cases.


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