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    Delhi-NCR rapidly increases pollution levels, Delhi air reaches poor category


    • On Monday, the minimum amount of moisture in Delhi’s air was just 16 percent.

     In Delhi-NCR, the day’s temperature on Monday was recorded at 1 degree above normal in Delhi’s Safdarjung at 40.7 degrees. The temperature at the Palam center topped 42.3 degrees. But the minimum temperature was 3 degrees below normal at 23.1 degrees due to which people got relief from the heat of the night.

    The minimum temperature at Lodhi Road center was recorded at 21.8 degrees. The minimum amount of moisture in Delhi’s air was just 16%, due to which the body felt burning with sun instead of sweating. On the first day of Lockdown 4, pollution levels in Delhi-NCR appeared to be increasing rapidly.
    Air quality index has been above 200 at 14 centers
    On the first day of Lockdown 4, pollution levels in Delhi-NCR appeared to be increasing rapidly. The air quality index at 14 out of 33 centers in Delhi remained in the poor category above 200 at 8 o’clock at night and the remaining centers were also recorded at a higher level of moderate category. AQI remained at the Punjabi Bagh center with 297 and pollution level at Pusa center with 129 AQI at the bottom. Talking about the 24-hour AQI, this is the first time in Delhi in this lockdown season since March 25 when the pollution level in the poor category reached. Delhi’s AQI with 206 and Ghaziabad with 237 saw the air fall into the poor category.
    Why increased pollution levels

    Indian Meteorological Department scientist Dr. Kuldeep Srivastava says that the lockdown has got a lot of relaxation. Due to this vehicles have increased on the road and work is also being started. With the rise in temperature, dust blowing air is also going on in Rajasthan. Southwest winds blow dust to Delhi-NCR this season. Dust increases the PM10 level.


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