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    FM Nirmala Sitharaman will give details of the second installment of the economic package today at 4 pm

    New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will once again hold a press conference on the economic package. At 4 pm, the Finance Minister will give details of the second installment of the economic package. According to information received from sources, today major announcements can be made for agriculture, labor reforms, automobile sector.

    Let us tell you that to strengthen the economy, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman made 15 announcements on Wednesday. In which it was announced to give a loan of 3 lakh crores without guarantee for MSME’s. With this, 45 lakh MSME’s are expected to get rich benefits.

    Also read- ‘Self-reliant India’: Government has changed the definition of MSME, industries will get benefits like this

    In view of the Corona crisis, the government has reduced the TDS and TCS rate to 25%. The government has announced an immediate refund to people doing their own business. Apart from this, the last date for filing income tax returns has also been increased from 31 July to 30 November.

    While giving the details of the first installment of the economic package, the Finance Minister had said on Wednesday that the government will fill the PF in June, July and August for those whose monthly salary is less than Rs 15,000. With this, the government will also deposit 12% of the owner of the company. Millions of employees will benefit from this.

    At the same time, Rs 3,100 crore has been provided from the PM Cares Fund for the fight against Corona. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said- out of this, an amount of 2 thousand crores will be used to buy ventilators.


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