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    GM Diet Plan – You Should Know About it

    Irrespective of your lifestyle, you may have researched about a diet at some point in time. Some people may be looking to gain weight and muscle and research a diet on those lines while others may be looking to lose a few pounds to reach their optimum weight. A GM diet plan serves the latter. We advise to not blindly follow the diet but consult doctor before going ahead with the plan.

    The GM diet plan was launched in 1985 as a health program for employees of the General Motors Corporation The aim of the diet was to improve the overall health of employees and their family members, in turn increasing the productivity of the organization as a whole. The diet comprises a seven day plan that looks to reduce 4-7 kg off every participant.

    What is the 7 day GM diet plan?

    Day 1

    Your first day on the GM diet plan will comprise only fruits. For breakfast, you can consume one medium sized bowl of apples or mixed berries. Following your breakfast, you can have a snack, which is one bowl of orange or cantaloupe. For lunch, one bowl of watermelons and another orange for a snack in between lunch and dinner. The fruit that must be a part of your diet plan for dinner is kiwi. You can consume one bowl of it. The final meal of your day should be a bowl of mixed berries.

    Day 2

    After a day of only fruits, your second day’s diet comprises only vegetables. Your day of vegetables must begin with one sweet potato/baked potato. For a small snack after breakfast you can eat one bowl of cabbage. Your second major meal of the day should consist of a bowl of mixed salad containing lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and cucumber. For a  snack between your lunch and dinner, you can have one bowl of steamed/raw broccoli. For dinner, eat one bowl of kale or arugula with asparagus. Finally, for your snack, you can eat a bowl of sliced cucumbers.

    Day 3

    On the third day of your GM diet plan, you can consume a mix of fruits and vegetables. Your first meal of the day can be an apple or a bowl of watermelon.Breakfast must be followed by a snack that comprises a bowl of cherry tomatoes. For lunch a bowl of mixed salad should do the trick. Your daily snack on the third day should be sliced cucumbers. For dinner, a kale salad with carrots and cucumbers with a bowl of strawberries on the side is recommended. After your dinner, you can have an apple as your final snack for the day.

    Day 4

    You’ve made it so far and you shouldn’t give up. On your fourth day, you are allowed only bananas and milk. For breakfast, you can eat 2 bananas and drink a glass of milk.Your snack today can be a banana smoothie with skim milk. For lunch, you can take a break from bananas and milk and have a bowl of the GM Wonder Soup. Your next snack, much like the first one, should be a banana smoothie with skimmed milk. Dinner today is a banana along with the GM Wonder Soup.

    Day 5

    After a hard day of eating only bananas and milk, your fifth day meals are based on meats and tomatoes. For breakfast, you can consume 5–6 oz meat and two tomatoes. Your next meal, won’t be a snack but lunch. Lunch will comprise 7–8 oz meat with 2 tomatoes. For Dinner, another serving of 5–6 oz of meat with 2 tomatoes. Finally, for your snack, consume the GM Wonder Soup.

    Day 6

    Your second last day of the GM diet will comprise vegetables and meat. For breakfast, you can eat 5–6 oz meat with a bowl of vegetables. The next meal should comprise 7–8 oz meat with a bowl of vegetables. Finally, for dinner, 5–6 oz meat with the GM Wonder Soup.

    Day 7

    Your final day of the GM diet plan will include rice, vegetables and fruits. Breakfast for the day will comprise an orange or a bowl of watermelon with a bowl of brown rice. For lunch, a bowl of brown rice and a glass of sugar-free fruit juice are recommended. Finally, for dinner, you can eat a bowl of brown rice with raw/cooked vegetables.


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