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    Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said, will welcome tourists after 31 May

    In India TV’s special program ‘Chief Minister’s Conference’, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has said that he will welcome the tourists after 31 May. People of the country and abroad want to come here. He said that every visitor to Goa is being investigated. A corona test is conducted for every visitor to Goa. They are being allowed to go home only when the test is negative.

    During this time, he said that there were fewer cases of corona in his state as he took tough decisions and strictly followed social distance. The case was last seen here on 3 April. The last Corona patient report came negative on 17 April. In the third phase lockdown, all the districts of Goa are in the Green Zone.

    He said, “Strict decisions were taken to prevent the spread of Kovid-19. Strict action was taken to maintain social distance. It was decided not to provide petrol or diesel and rations without masks in the state which benefited. Local administration Has acted promptly. “

    Regarding the migrant laborers present in Goa, the Chief Minister said that we also took special care of the laborers. 14 camps were set up for deaths. Arranged for the food and drink of the 3 lakh laborers present in the state. They also took special care and that is why not a single Goan worker went out. Those people are happy here.


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