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    Haj Yatra 2020 may be canceled due to Corona Saudi government will take decision on June 15

    The entire world is troubled by the global epidemic of Corona. It has created havoc all over the world, due to which many precautions are being taken to avoid it. While due to Coronavirus Infection, the Haj Yatra 2020 is expected to be canceled. Let us tell you that every year about 2 million Muslims from all over the world reach Saudi Arabia. Many people go from Bihar on this journey, but at the moment there is no movement.

    This fear is haunting

    In such a situation, if 2 million people gather together in Saudi Arabia, there is a high risk of spreading corona infection there. Pakistan’s English newspaper Dawn has published such news. Haj Minister Mohammed Benten has told the Al Ikhbaria television channel in detail that the Saudi Arabian government has not been able to take any decision at present about the visit keeping in mind the epidemic.

    The Saudi government will take a decision on June 15

    Please tell that Saudi Arabia is going to take a decision on whether Haj pilgrimage will be done this year or not on June 15 If there will be Haj, how many people will be allowed to come to Mecca Medina, that decision is still to be decided. It may be that in view of Corona, this time the Saudi government will allow only local people to perform Haj.

    This year 5 thousand people of Bihar have got registration done

    This year about two lakh people from India have to go on Haj. While about five thousand people have registered themselves from Bihar. However, Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population, has forbidden its citizens to go on Haj. No such decision has been taken by the Government of India at the moment.

    Training for Haj pilgrimage not started in Bihar

    In Bihar, the pilgrims are trained before the Haj. Preparations are started a month ago, but due to the Corona havoc, this time there is no action from the administration of Bihar in the Haj pilgrimage. In such a situation, there is a possibility that people might not get a happy Haj this year.


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