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    Healthy Cooking Oils to Reduce Cholesterol

    Cholesterol is often termed as bad fat; on the contrary, there is good cholesterol as well. To be précised, there are two types of cholesterol are low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein. Low-density lipoprotein is considered to be bad” cholesterol, a high level of LDL could result in heart-related problems. On the other hand, HDL helps to absorb the cholesterol and carry it to the liver. The liver then removes it from the body. A high level of HDL can reduce the chances of heart problems. There are many causes of High LDL. Some of them include lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, smoke, high blood pressure, etc. 

    An ideal LDL of a healthy adult should be 3mmol/L or less or less than it. On the other hand, people who are on the higher risk should have 2mmol/L or less than this. As stated above your diet plays a crucial role in keeping a cholesterol check. More than a diet, what product you use has a significant role. If you want to follow a low cholesterol diet, replace healthy cooking oil with your old cooking oil.

    The question here is what healthy cooking oil is? Healthy cooking oil is one that has monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are good for your heart. Also, it should have a high smoke point. Here we have capsulated a list of healthy cooking oils that one should use in order to reduce cholesterol.

    Healthy Cooking Oil List

    1. Avocado Oil

    It has monosaturated fat, which is good for the health. Also, it has many benefits that include high smoke point, which is more than 500 degreesF. This makes avocado oil an ideal choice for frying. It has a nutty and buttery flavor so that it can be used for salad dressing, dips, and marinades. Plus, it has low LDL.

    2. Olive Oil

    Known as a good source of Vitamin E and antioxidants, olive oil is ideal for cooking. It helps to reduce the risk of heart problems. Plus, it has a medium smoke point, which is why it could be used for frying and sautéing. Make sure you pick extra virgin olive oil as it has more beneficial qualities.

    3. Canola Oil

    Canola oil could be an ideal substitute for your regular cooking oil as it an excellent source of PUFA and MUFA. It has a medium smoking point; thus, it is a perfect choice for baking and stir-frying. It is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for health. Plus, it has a mild taste that makes it perfect for adding over salads, dips, and marinades.

    4. Corn Oil

    Other cooking oil that would make a perfect addition to your kitchen is corn oil. It can be used for baking, preparing sauces, and light sautéing. The taste of the corn oil is very light. Therefore it does not inter fear with the taste of the food. Not to forget, it reduces LDL level, and thus it is one of the healthiest cooking oils. You can find corn oil from online market places like Big Basket and Grofers. While buying the oil, make sure you check out all the latest Grofers or Big Basket offers to get a discount on your shopping.

    5. Flaxseed Oil

    The health benefits of Flaxseeds are unknown by one and all. Similarly, flaxseed oil has many health benefits and is known to be a powerhouse of nutrition. That’s the reason why this oil is good for the heart. Also, it has a low smoke point, so it can be used for shallow frying or no-heat cooking. It boasts a nutty and earthy flavor that can add a nice taste to your vegetables. You can add to your favorite smoothing, salad, or salad dressings. Amongst all the variants, refrigerated cold-pressed flaxseed oil is ideal for cooking. Make sure it is available in the opaque bottle.

    6. Sunflower Oil

    Undoubtedly, this is one of the healthy cooking oil. It is available in many forms, such as High-linoleic safflower oil or High-oleic safflower oil. High-linoleic safflower oil has high polyunsaturated fats and low smoke point; thus, it can be used for non-heating foods. On the other hand, High-oleic safflower oil has high monosaturated fats and high smoke point, making it ideal for frying. Sunflower oil helps in weight loss, reduces weight loss, reduces blood sugar, and improves cholesterol levels.


    Someone has beautifully said ”Health is Wealth”, one should all the precautions that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Our diet and lifestyle play a crucial role in shaping our health. Also, a few changes would keep your heart forever. First things first switch to a healthy cooking oil like sunflower, grapeseed, olive oil, corn oil. These oils will keep a check on your hearts health and helps to reduce cholesterol.


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