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    Hit the High Spots of Dubai with Children and Find Property for Your Residence

    The largest city in the Emirates – a luxurious oasis in the endless desert – has prepared a thousand and one adventures for children, as well as adults. As in the famous oriental fairy tale, real magic has been created here: amusement and recreation parks, which are rightfully considered the best in the world. Every little thing is provided here to make a positive impression and create a real holiday every day. Being here once, you will want to return here more and more. Maybe one day you will decide to settle here for permanent residence and our company AX Capital will help you choose real estate to buy in Dubai. But first things first. This article will tell you about places which will make you and your children to fall in love with Dubai.


    This amusement park, undoubtedly the most beloved by children and adults, will allow everyone to dive into the underwater kingdom. Its vast area – over 17 hectares – is an incredibly impressive sight, especially when you consider that it is located on an artificially created island. Visitors are greeted by a variety of pools, water slides and other attractions, lagoons with crystal clear water, and a specially created for kids “Special Land” zone with 8 slopes. These entertainments are not only fascinating, but also completely safe, especially since each of the slopes is under the supervision of a guard who closely monitors any child.

    Nearby, there are no less interesting entertainment: Lost Chambers, with its striking Ambassador Lagoon, which can only be reached through an underground labyrinth and where the inhabitants of the deep sea live, and Dolphin Bay, which attracts visitors with breathtaking dolphin performances.

    Dubai Dolphinarium

    Seals, fur seals and dolphins give performances to visitors three times a day. In addition, here they offer not only to have fun, but also to learn something. In a special children’s school, they talk about various marine animals, conduct gymnastics and drawing classes. Lessons at this school last a standard 45 minutes, during which adults can go about their own business, for example, swim with dolphins in the pool, leaving their child in the classroom under the supervision of a teacher.

    Wild wadi water park

    This well-known park is considered one of the best offering water activities in the Middle East. Here, any child can feel almost like a Sinbad the sailor, and even adults will not remain indifferent, having made a breathtaking journey along the wayward mountain river. They will be amazed by 23 rides, many water slopes, real tropical rainfall and pools with mind-blowing surfing conditions on the way. And certainly, everyone will be impressed by a fall from a 33-meter height at a speed of 80 km / h on the downhill of Jumeirah Sceirah, although such offers are not designed for children: only extreme lovers, whose height exceeds 110 cm, will be able to test themselves while those who are under this height are invited to such gambling and fun entertainment as Flood River, Juha’s Journey, Breaker’s Bay, Juha’s Dhow & Lagoon.

    We will help you buy property in Dubai  

    Every parent wants all the best for their children. Looking in their happy eyes and understand that their life is safe is the best pleasure for every family. Dubai is the city that combines everything needed for a comfortable happy life. If you are reading this article you have already cast a thought of possible property buying in Dubai. Don’t hesitate – follow your dream! And AX Capital will help you in it!


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