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    How Can A Pedestrian Prove Fault for Personal Injury Claim?

    In Albany, where there are many cases of pedestrian accidents, you must ensure that you follow all the traffic rules to avoid future pedestrian accidents. However, despite following all the traffic rules, what will you do if you get involved in an accident because of the negligence of the at-fault driver? You must consider seeking help from Albany Personal Injury lawyers so that you can prove fault for a personal injury claim.

    1. Seek medical attention

    If you get involved in a pedestrian accident, the very first thing you must do is prioritize your safety first. You should get off the road and check your body for any injuries. If you are severely injured or you can feel pain in your joints, consider seeking medical attention immediately. If you think that you did not sustain any severe injuries, then you should wait at the accident scene.

    1. Gather evidence

    After checking your injuries, call 911 and give them your location. In the meantime, you should start gathering evidence you can find on the accident scene. Start taking photographs of your injuries, and then move on to the at-fault driver. Take photographs of his/her vehicle, number plate, license number, insurance details, and the at-fault driver. You can look around for CCTV cameras and eyewitnesses who are willing to give their statements.

    1. Medical documentation

    If you are involved in a pedestrian accident, you will surely file for a personal injury claim with the help of your attorney. Therefore, you should seek medical attention and keep a detailed report of your medical bills, doctor’s report, and medical report. This medical documentation will help you build a strong case and get you the maximum out of your compensation.

    1. Hire the best pedestrian accident attorney.

    In a pedestrian accident case, you will need a pedestrian lawyer to help you get your claim. Therefore, make sure to hire the best pedestrian accident attorney with a good track record and good experience. Your attorney will explain your current case, discuss some strategies to help you in court and provide some legal advice for negotiations.

    1. Prove negligence of the at-fault driver.

    If you want to get your claim, the only way to claim it is by proving negligence of the at-fault driver. Since negligence is one of the root causes of any accident, with the help of your attorney, you must prove that the at-fault driver was breaching any of the traffic rules, like overspeeding, not following traffic signals, consuming alcohol, or being distracted while driving. 

    Seek professional guidance

    If you get involved in a pedestrian accident, you should seek help from your pedestrian attorney and discuss your case.


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