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    How Can Those Injured in Bicycle Accidents Get Compensation in Atlanta?

    Even though cyclists know that cycling carries some inherent risks, they typically feel at ease when riding. However, things go wrong very often which results in bicycle accidents and can lead to severe injuries. Car drivers often fail to keep an eye out for bicycles, which leads to bicycle accidents and this can happen despite the numerous safety measures that bikers take when riding. If a bicycle accident in Atlanta resulted in severe injuries to you or the death of a loved one, you should immediately obtain legal counsel to help you with the personal injury claim procedure. If you need help, Stewart Miller Simmons Trial Attorneys can assist you in seeking financial compensation for your injuries if were injured in a bicycle accident. 

    Can you claim damages?

    The plaintiff is entitled to compensatory damages. These compensations are meant to compensate the victim for any monetary, physical, or psychological losses they may have suffered. Compensation damages cover a wide range of expenses, including medical costs, property damage, and emotional suffering.  

    Georgia plaintiffs may be eligible for punitive damages in a handful of cases where the defendant acts purposefully or with knowledge of the potential consequences of his actions. If the victim of the bicycle accident passed away, the deceased’s surviving family members may file a wrongful death claim against the party or parties responsible.

    Who is liable for a bicycle accident?

    The injured party in bicycle accidents in Atlanta is usually the cyclist. These injuries may be very minor, but they can also occasionally be serious or even fatal. You must show that the other driver was negligent. 

    If a negligent truck driver employed by a trucking firm causes a bicycle accident that results in your injuries, you may in some cases claim against that employer.

    Moreover, the victim of a bicycle accident may also file a lawsuit or make a personal injury claim against the government entity or entities in charge of maintaining the road where the accident happened. Finally, in certain circumstances, you may submit a claim to your insurance provider for uninsured or underinsured motorist benefits.

    Final thoughts:

    If you are a victim of a bicycle accident in Atlanta, you must reach out to an attorney. Your attorney can help you by filing a claim or lawsuit against the responsible party or entity, liaising with the responsible party’s insurance provider, and pursuing a claim for damages on your behalf. 


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