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    How To Avoid Hair Loss?

    If your hair is prone to falling out, especially due to breakage, the solution may be as simple as making positive changes to your lifestyle. Here is a list of easy-to-follow recommendations at Haircubed:

    1. Wash your hair properly

    Use lukewarm water, as hot water weakens the strands even more. Gently rub with your fingertips, avoiding using your nails.

    2. Use a shampoo for hair loss

    Investing in brands that understand hair loss is a wise decision.

    3. Be nice

    Never go to sleep or leave the house with wet hair: Prolonged humidity for hours causes the cell membrane, responsible for the shine and strength of the hair, to deteriorate. Dry it, without rubbing, with a towel and unravel it slowly, starting at the ends. Allow it to dry naturally.

    Consider that tight ponytails, dreadlocks, attached braids (cornrows) or any other hairstyle that encourages excessive and restless stretching of the hair bulb, usually leads to hair loss.

    4. Take care of your diet

    A diet rich in protein is essential for capillary well-being, since a good part of your hair is made up of them. Also, among the vitamins for hair los that you should consume the most are A (carrots and pumpkins), B (legumes), C (kiwi and grapefruit) and minerals such as copper, iron and, mainly, zinc, all they present in shellfish, for example.

    5. Apply some home remedies for hair loss

    Home remedies can be a great addition to your specialized care routine. It is enough to apply some natural ingredients once a week, such as rosemary oil, to strengthen the hair follicle, preventing breakage and excessive loss.

    And if practicality is your thing, you can also bet on products of natural origin that contain these ingredients and even other effective compounds against hair loss, such as biotin.

    6. Relax

    Anxiety increases the secretion of a series of inflammatory response hormones that, among other alterations, can cause irreversible hair los. Taking care of your emotions is, more than a matter of aesthetics, it is one of mental health.

    Editor’s tip: Give yourself a five-minute hair massage before bed and use best hair fibers. This relaxing gesture also stimulates the blood vessels; with blood flowing optimally to the hair follicles, they receive more nutrients and oxygen, which makes hair grow stronger and faster.

    7. Use a hair loss treatment

    If your case is that of hair loss due to detachment of the hair follicle, it is essential to eliminate the causative agent. Scientifically supported treatments such as cold laser, bio stimulation and plasma with growth factors are also effective, especially when it comes to circumstances beyond your control.

    Of course, to determine the ideal treatment for you, you should always visit a specialist to guide you through the process.

    Your doctor may also prescribe vitamins and hair fiber for hair loss. Among the vitamins and trace elements whose deficit causes occasional hair loss is: iron, biotin, magnesium, zinc, copper, folic acid, and vitamins B6, B12, and D.

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