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    India’s COVID-19 cases Spike to 9,887 in single-day, highest since the outbreak

    June 06, 2020 (New Delhi) – In a grim milestone, India on Saturday registered 9,887 cases and 294 deaths in the preceding 24 hours taking it total tally to 2,36,657, as per the Union Health Ministry data.

    As per the health ministry data, India rose to the sixth spot among the worst-hit nation affected by coronavirus pandemic. 

    ‘’The total cases include 115,942 active cases of Covid-19 and 114,072 people have been cured of the highly-infectious disease so far. The recovery rate in India stands at 48.20 percent,’’ says the Union Health Ministry data attached with the issued press statement.

    Maharashtra surpassed the 80,000-mark thus stand as the top worst-affected Indian state among the state’s list. Mumbai alone has 46,080 infected cases which recorded 54 deaths on Friday. The maximum city has witnessed highest casualties toll in the last 24 hours.

    Tamil Nadu has reported 28,694 Covid-19 cases and 232 deaths. Delhi remains the third worst-hit area in the country with 26,334 infected people and 708 casualties.

    Gujarat saw the biggest spike in COVID-19 count as over 500 people had tested positive in the last 24 hours. The total number of COVID-19 patients in the state stood at 19,094.


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