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    Kante West To Contest For US President, Gets Elon Musk’s Support

    July 05, 2020 (New Delhi) – American rapper and 121-time Grammy winner announced on Saturday that he would run for president in 2020 to challenge US President Donald Trump and the Democratic candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden.

    We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision, and building our future. I am running for president of the United States,” West announced from his official Twitter handle, adding an American flag emoji and the hashtag “#2020VISION”.


    Replying to the tweet, Elon Musk, the chief executive of electric-car maker Tesla said: “You have my full support.”

    Over the years the rapper, who is also the vocal supporter of US President Donald Trump,  has sparked speculation that he would potentially enter the presidential race one day, most recently in November 2019.

    In October 2018, West infamously revealed his support for Trump following a Twitter rant. Soon after, he paid a visit to Trump himself at the White House, wearing the President’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hat and delivered a speech in which he discussed alternate universes and his diagnosis of bipolar disorder, which he said was actually sleep deprivation.


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