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    Master the Art of Being Creative Through TikTok with Hakeem Masoud

    It’s no secret that TikTok has been a game changer for the app world. The platform has become one of the most popular social media apps in a brief period. Its features are designed to help you make awesome videos with friends, but there are other ways to get even more out of it. But how do you use the app to become more creative? Hakeem Masoud is here to show us exactly how to do that by sharing his top tips for using TikTok effectively to become a creative master!

    First, Get to Know Yourself

    Hakeem Masoud is a 21-year-old young boy from queens. New York, pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from Louisiana State University Baton Rouge. Hakeem has uncovered his niche, which includes creating comedic content, skits, tv show reviews, and insight lessons. Hakeem Masoud is a history and science devotee and loves learning and exploring new things and gaining knowledge. For him, every day is a new day to learn something new and widen his exposure. After graduating in 2024, he plans to go for his Ph.D. because he wants to find the cure for cancer and help many others.

    A Positive Mindset Brings Positive Things

    The overall personality of Hakem Masoud emanates positivity and selflessness. Somehow, Hakeem always knew he wanted to be some content creator, as he loves making everybody smile and laugh. I think there’s a point in everyone’s life when they know what is happening and what they are feeling. However, they still need someone to acknowledge their feelings and inform them that someone has their back and everything will be fine. Hakeem Masoud strives to impact by creating an environment where everyone is welcome, accepted, and, most importantly, can share their voice because together, we can ABSOLUTELY! MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE!

    Be True to Yourself

    Hakeem Masoud’s creativity is being himself. He does nothing artificial and portrays himself the way he is; that quality makes him stand out from other creators. Another plus point he got is that he loves interacting and connecting with his viewers. Hakeem not only puts forward his point of view but is always open to receiving opinions and feedback from his audience.

    My grandmother and mom always taught me that people who present themselves as themselves are looked higher than those trying to be something they are not. 

    Take Small Steps and Achieve Big

    For Hakeem, TikTok has provided him with the platform and opportunity to showcase himself as he wanted. He never had a good father figure for him, so he wants to be a positive role model for others, a voice to reach out to everyone in the world. Hakeem uses the Cap Cut app to edit all of his videos. He usually makes them at around 9 or 10 pm and posts them early in the morning, about 6 or 7 am, so that everyone can see them and start their day fresh. His foreseeable future is to be the best father, a successful biochemist, and a successful tiktoker.


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