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    Nepal approves new map including Lipulekh, Kalapani, Limpiyadhura amidst border row with India

    In the midst of a border dispute with India, Nepal’s cabinet has accepted a new political map showing Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura in the Nepali region. Foreign Minister Pradeep Kumar Gavali said weeks before the move was announced that efforts were underway to settle the border dispute with India through diplomatic initiatives. MPs of the ruling Communist Party of Nepal had also moved a special resolution in Parliament demanding the return of Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh to the Nepal border.

    Nepal government will soon make the map public

    The Lipulekh Pass is a remote western place near the disputed border between Nepal and India, Kalapani. Both India and Nepal consider Kalapani as their integral part. India calls it part of Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand while Nepal is part of Dharchula district. Gaiwali said the Ministry of Land Management would soon make the official map of Nepal public. “The Council of Ministers has decided to publish a map of Nepal in 7 provinces, 77 districts and 753 local level administrative divisions, including Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani,” he said on Twitter on Monday.

    Nepal had protested

    Gayawali summoned Indian Ambassador Vinay Mohan Quatra last week and handed over a diplomatic note to protest against the construction of the major route connecting Lipulekh with Dharchula in Uttarakhand. India had said that the recently inaugurated road in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand falls completely within its limits. Nepal’s finance minister and government spokesman Yuvraj Khatiwada said on Monday that the cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, has approved the new political map of the country.

    The minister said, the decision will be written in golden letters

    Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Yogesh Bhattarai said that the cabinet decision will be written in golden letters. However, senior leader of the ruling party and member of the Nepal Communist Party Standing Committee, Ganesh Shah said that this new step will create unnecessary tension between Nepal and India at a time when the country is fighting the corona virus.


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