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    Nine Trump MPs bring bills in parliament to ban China, US intensifies China

    • If the bill is approved, the US administration will be able to seal China’s assets here.
    • There will be a travel ban on China, the visa for Chinese citizens will be canceled
    • Chinese companies will be out of the US stock market

    A bill has been introduced in the US Parliament to ban China. The bill was introduced by a group of nine MPs. It said that if China does not give full information about the reasons for the outbreak of coronavirus, it does not cooperate in controlling it, then the President of America should be allowed to ban China.

    The President will certify in 60 days that China has not given full information on the corona to the United States, its allies or UN related entities like WHO. He did not close all the non-vegetarian markets that threatened to spread infection from animals to humans. The bill has been prepared by MP Lindsay Graham. Eight other MPs supported him on this.

    China refuses to approve investigation: Graham

    All these nine MPs are considered close to President Donald Trump. Graham said China has refused to approve the investigation. In such a situation it was necessary to bring this bill. If China is not pressurized, it will never cooperate with the investigation. The bill also calls for China to release Hong Kong’s democracy supporters from prison during the epidemic.

    National Security Advisor said – 5 epidemics occurred in China in 20 year

    US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien also told the media that 5 epidemics occurred in China in 20 years. Someone has to stop it at some end. The world should tell the Chinese government that we will not tolerate the epidemics coming out of it, whether it is coming from animal markets or from laboratories.

    Corona is descended from Wuhan, we have evidence: Brian

    Brian said that we know it originated from Corona Wuhan. We have evidence. However, Brian counts SARS, avian flu, swine flu, corona as well. Did not mention the name of 5th disease. Let us know that 14,17,398 cases have been reported in the US so far. There have been 83,980 deaths.

    Bill unethical against us: China

    China has opposed the bill against it in the US Parliament. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian has said that the bill is completely immoral. We kept transparency in giving information right from the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic. Zhao had earlier said that China and the US should work together to implement the trade deal.


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