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    Organize Your Small Apartment With These 8 Ideas

    It does not matter how much stuff you have, you should store it properly to prevent mess and clutter and clutter in your home. You will find this to be particularly difficult if you do not have much storage space. You need to rethink your storage needs and turn unused spaces into extra storage by being creative and smart.

    The following brilliant storage ideas are perfect for small homes:


    You can make full use of the walls in your house! Simply install shelves and layer them all together. As seen in apartments for rent in rancho cucamonga ca, you can use shelves to store clothes, bags, shoes, and other small items that would otherwise clutter the floor. 

    Bundle up chunky clothing

    Save space in your closet by getting rid of all the chunky clothes, such as coats, chunky sweaters, big jackets, and other clothes you only wear in the winter. Your clothes should be vacuum packaged and placed inside your suitcase or drawer.

    Small bedrooms aren’t ideal for having a large closet. You might want to consider a garment rack instead! It will allow you to hang only the clothes you wear most often. Do not keep or use others you don’t use very often; dispose of, donate, or vacuum pack them.

    Replacing your standard nightstand

    Having a nightstand takes up space on a floor, though it is very useful. Consider installing a wall-mounted nightstand instead if your space is limited. You can keep your books, alarm clock, and daily necessities on a small corner shelf that you can install near your bed.

    Make your desk into a nightstand

    In the case of a small shelf not being sufficient, you might want to consider using your desk as a nightstand. Place your small desk near or beside your bed, and it will serve as both your desk and nightstand. This is a genius storage idea for homes with limited space.

    Invest in a clothes rack

    Small bedrooms aren’t ideal for having a large closet. You might want to consider a garment rack instead wood shoe rack! It will allow you to hang only the clothes you wear most often. Do not keep or use others you don’t use very often; dispose of, donate, or vacuum pack them.

    Shoe storage made easy

    It’s a space that is often wasted but can be utilized to store things: your door! There’s a shoe rack specifically designed to hang on your door.

    Choose a floating desk

    Desks are some of the heaviest pieces of furniture. If you work while looking out the window, you can enjoy the lovely views. You can choose to use a floating desk to free up some floor space, or you can mount it on the wall for a regular view.

    Don’t use your hamper

    It’s a waste of space to have laundry hampers and laundry baskets on the floor. Try hanging either an inside or an outside laundry bag/hamper on the inside or outside of your closet door!

    Here are some genius storage ideas for wood shelves floating homes with limited space.


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