Everest News

Ut interdum risus felis, eget rhoncus sem aliquam nec. Sed eu congue arcu. Duis ultricies orci nec diam malesuada accumsan. Aliquam pulvinar pulvinar orci, nec ornare ex efficitur ac. Proin quis laoreet quam. Praesent sagittis mollis turpis tempus sodales. Ut efficitur tortor nec condimentum ornare.

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    Realme’s first smart TV will be launched on May 25, 20% more brighter than the average smart TV

    The Chinese smartphone company is going to enter the TV segment soon. According to reports, the company will make its global debut with launching in the Indian market on 25 May. The company has released some details of this by releasing the Dedicated page. The company claims that it will get a bezelless design, which will give a great TV viewing experience.


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