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    Richard Malcolm: The Supportive Partner in Rebecca Muir’s Life

    Rebecca Muir, the accomplished makeup artist and sister of renowned journalist David Muir, has found steadfast support and love in her partner, Richard Malcolm. Their relationship is a testament to the power of shared values and mutual respect.

    Richard, currently serving as the General Manager at the prestigious Mirbeau Inn and Spa in Skaneateles, New York, has been an unwavering presence in Rebecca’s life. Their love story began when they both held positions as marketing managers for a fashion company in Chicago. This serendipitous meeting laid the foundation for a deep and lasting connection.

    In 2013, they made a significant move together, relocating to Yorkville, a decision that further solidified their bond. Since then, they have been inseparable, supporting each other’s dreams and aspirations.

    Their wedding, held at the picturesque McAllister Estate in Yorkville, Illinois, on October 5th, was a celebration of their love surrounded by close family and friends. The ceremony, officiated by David’s sister, Reverend Jenifer McAllister, added a personal touch to the occasion.

    The choice of an Australian island for their wedding destination added an extra layer of magic to their special day. The ceremony was a harmonious blend of elegance and heartfelt moments, with Rebecca radiantly walking down the aisle on David’s arm, accompanied by their two mothers.

    Following the ceremony, a delightful reception took place at the nearby Wyndham Vale Resort. Live music from the band The Revivalists set the stage for a joyous celebration. Guests were treated to a sumptuous feast, featuring a diverse menu that catered to every palate. The evening was filled with laughter, dancing, and cherished memories.

    Rebecca Muir partner extends beyond the personal realm into their shared love for farming. They’ve established an organic farm in Borodino, New York, where they cultivate heirloom vegetables, including heritage mushrooms. This shared endeavor not only strengthens their bond but also serves as a testament to their commitment to sustainable living.

    Their union has blessed them with four beautiful children: Finan, Morel, Brahm, and Beryl Malcolm. Together, they’ve built a life centered around love, family, and a shared vision for a sustainable and joyful future.

    In conclusion, Richard Malcolm’s presence in Rebecca Muir’s life is a source of strength and support. Their partnership is a beautiful example of a love that nurtures individual growth and shared dreams. Together, they inspire us with their dedication to family, sustainability, and the pursuit of a joyful life.


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