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Ut interdum risus felis, eget rhoncus sem aliquam nec. Sed eu congue arcu. Duis ultricies orci nec diam malesuada accumsan. Aliquam pulvinar pulvinar orci, nec ornare ex efficitur ac. Proin quis laoreet quam. Praesent sagittis mollis turpis tempus sodales. Ut efficitur tortor nec condimentum ornare.

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    Shops will open in the order of Odd-Even in the market, 2 in private car, only driver allowed on two-wheeler

    Shops, autos, e-rickshaws and buses will also run on the road, according to Aud-Even, after 56 days from Tuesday, with the lockdown 4.0 running until May 31 to prevent Corona infection in the capital. Private cars will not be allowed to sit more than two and in two-wheelers. Both government and private offices will also be able to work with full staff. At the same time, the prohibition will continue, leaving essential services in the Containment Zone.

    On Monday, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced the relaxation of the Centre’s guidelines in lockdown 4.0 in the online press conference. Kejriwal said that Corona will have to be considered part of life. You have to learn to live with it. It is not going to end in a couple months. It will not end until its vaccine is released. We must also defeat Corona and run life. Lockdown cannot always happen.

    There are 10054 cases in Delhi so far. Of these, 4485 people have recovered. 45 percent people are cured. 160 people have died. We are trying to save each life. The death in Delhi is less than in other states and other countries.

    Important point: Metro will not run. Schools, colleges, training institutes, cinema halls will remain closed

    Public transport | Public transport has been started in Delhi. A passenger will be allowed to sit in auto, e-rickshaws, cycle rickshaws. Taxi / cab will be allowed but only with 2 passengers. Rural service, quick-burst service and eco-friendly service are also being exempted, but will be able to take only two rides. The Maxi Cab will have five passengers and RTV will have 11 passengers. After landing, it will be the responsibility of the driver to sanitize the riding area. Car pool or car sharing will not be allowed. At the same time, only 20 passengers will be able to sit in the DTC bus. All passengers will have thermal screening before boarding the bus.

    Private vehicle | Private vehicles will also be allowed to operate in Delhi. No more than two people in a four wheeler and rear riding on a bike will be allowed.

    Private / Government Offices | All private and government offices in Delhi will be allowed to open with full staff. However, CM talked about promoting Work for Home.

    Market / Shops | All markets will open. But according to Aud Even in the market and market complex, the shop will open. Needle shop and street locality standalone shops will open daily. Any shop found to be in violation of social distancing will be sealed.

    Construction work | All construction work is allowed on site. Right now only the in-situ site ie the site where the laborers are staying was allowed. Now workers will be able to visit the construction site from anywhere inside Delhi, but workers outside Delhi will not be allowed.
    Industry | All industries have been allowed to open. But the time to open the industry will vary.

    Social program | No more than 50 people will be allowed to attend the wedding / marriage program. At the same time, only 20 people will be allowed to attend the funeral.

    Restaurant Restaurants will open, but only for home delivery. No one will be able to sit and eat at a restaurant.

    Sports Complex / Stadium | All sports complexes / stadiums will be allowed to open, but spectators will not be allowed to sit in the stadium / complex.

    This discount on the border. Doctors, nurses, paramedics, sanitizers and ambulances will be allowed free movement at the border. Inter-state goods and cargo or empty trucks on the border, they will be allowed to move.

    There will be no relaxation in these
    Metro will not run. All schools, colleges, training institutes, all hotels, cinema halls, shopping malls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theaters, bars, auditoriums, assembly halls, social, political, sports, entertainment, academics, cultural and religious or any other The type of activity, which gathers a large crowd, will not be allowed. Any religious place or place of worship will remain closed. No religious event will allow crowds to congregate. Barbers, spawns and salons will also remain closed.

    • No one will be allowed to leave the house from 7 to 7 in the evening. However, there will be relaxation in essential services.
    • People over 65 years of age and children below 10 years, pregnant women and people who have serious illnesses, diabetes, heart disease etc., will not be allowed to move out of the house.

    Gambhir calls concessions to public ‘death warrant’
    The service provided by the Delhi government to restore markets and transport system is like a death warrant. This can bring the people of Delhi closer to death. The situation in Delhi is still uncontrolled. -Gautam Gambhir, MP, East Delhi


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