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    Switching to the Organics: Natural Skincare 101

    Skincare is the activity of applying methods and products that work for specific skin types to maintain or achieve good skin. Taking care of your skin does not only end in being hygienic and washing up; there are products designed to do so. These products are engineered to keep or make the skin in the best condition from head to toe.

    Most products out in the market are specially made for the benefit of the skin. However, with advancements in technology and fluctuation of supply-demand, more chemically-made products are manufactured. Although consumers are growing more environmentally and health conscious, companies have now created cleaner alternatives to compensate. 

    Why make the switch?

    Choosing organic alternatives has been a growing trend in the modern world as people tend to be more careful of what they buy by checking every aspect of the product. Consumers want the best products that benefit them and the environment they live in. Staying conscious and curious is a great habit that can make a better change for oneself and the world.

    Companies like Luv Ur Skin have the same ideals to promote a cleaner environment by being sustainable while giving the best products with natural ingredients. This is to provide the best skin care products that are safer and better alternatives to what is out in the commercial world right now, filled with organic ingredients that suit specific skin types. 

    There are many reasons why people make the change to natural alternatives. One, chemicals can irritate the skin, especially for people with sensitive skin. Two, unclean ingredients do not absorb and suit well with human skin, which may cause further harm. Three, naturally sourced and clean ingredients are much kinder to the environment and overall human health.

    Organic Ingredients

    The earth is rich in natural ingredients, and each has its effects and benefits on human skin. With modern technology and broad research by the sciences, they have developed the best ways to use these in their products to create natural skincare products.

    Greener companies have made it to the point where they must create products that benefit the user and the overall welfare of the environment. Products that are centralized with the best raw materials are further developed to better the cosmetic industry. Here are some examples of organic ingredients that you must know when purchasing skincare. 

    Green tea

    This superfood also aims for skin wellness, and there is a wide array of it. Studies have shown that it has anti-aging and anti-acne properties, best for sensitive tween skin who undergo puberty. Skincare products using green tea as their active ingredient are usually in face masks, face lotions, and toners for moisturization. 

    Gotu Kola

    The Gotu Kola plant, originating from India, is a newfound discovery breakthrough in the skincare industry. It has shown that it acquires anti-aging and skin healing properties. In addition, researchers have discovered that plant extract is an effective ingredient for further investigation as it calms irritation and stimulates cell growth.

    The skincare company, Luv Ur Skin, has used this fantastic ingredient in Fix Me – Booster Serum. It promises its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with just a tiny amount of product used. In addition, it helps with reducing skin blemishes and skin irritations with its powerful active formula.

    Avocado Oil

    Being used for ages in the skincare department, avocado oil is an effective self-absorbing oil with numerous benefits. Not only does it taste good in culinary dishes, but it also offers moisturization and protection from UV rays — using it as an excellent sunblock lotion. Being an oil, it suits best with skincare products that focus on rehydrating dry skin.


    A gourd plant is seen in every typical spa day worn on top of the eyes. This is done due to its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. Cucumbers are made up of a significant percentage of water, and thus, applying it cools and rehydrates the skin. Dryness and puffiness of the face are usually what it is used for in commercial skincare products.

    Kakadu Plum

    A local Australian plant, the Kakadu plum, has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes. It contains a high nutritional value with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C. With ongoing research; it is now also being used as a skincare ingredient because it has antibacterial and inflammatory properties, which is helpful for the skin.

    It is an ingredient used in body wash, butter, and lotion-like Luv Ur Skin’s Body Luv Daily Starter Pack. It is formulated for sensitive skin to keep it clean and healthy after every use. With the beneficial properties of the Kakadu plum, it also poses a great defense against acne and skin irritations.


    Having to choose organic alternatives will benefit not only the environment but also the people living in it. Being clean and sustainable is a choice that most people choose to make, and with natural skincare products being part of your skincare routine, you are creating a cleaner planet while having a healthier lifestyle.


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