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    Tiktok crisis deepens after acid attack video control, ratings drop from 4.5 stars to 2-stars on Google Play


    • Hundreds of users are giving 1-star rating to TikTok on the Apple app and Google Play store after video contentiousness
    • Aamir Siddiqui had said in a TikTok video that TikTok’s content is better and entertaining than YouTube.

    After the acid attack video controversy, it seems that Tiktok’s bad days have started. TicketLock’s 1-star rating has been inundated on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Its rating on the Google Play store was 4.5 stars in a few days, which has now come down to 2 stars. The biggest reason for this is believed to be Faisal Siddiqui’s acid attack video, in which he is seen throwing acid on a girl. At the same time, Jubani Jung, who has been caught between Ticketlockers and YouTubers, is also considered as the second big reason. On Twitter too, #banTikTokIndia is also increasingly trending, with this Chinese platform being asked to leave.

    #BanTikToklnlndia Twitter Trend
    The biggest reason for this is the trend #BanTikToklnlndia hashtag on Twitter. Actually, this Twitter trend has become quite viral after a video by Faisal Siddiqui. Faizal Siddiqui is a TikTok star who is followed by millions of users. On Monday, a video of him suddenly went viral on Twitter, through this video, he has been accused of promoting an ‘acid attack’. As soon as the video was trended on Twitter, the National Commission for Women wrote letters to Tiktok India and Maharashtra Police demanding immediate action against it. After this, the demand to ban the TikTok app started to arise.

    Youtube VS Ticketcock’s War
    However, another reason why tick-talk has been under criticism for some time is the YouTube VS TicketTalk issue. Actually, Aamir Siddiqui had said in a TikTok video that TikTok’s content is better and entertaining than a YouTube video. Since then, he was criticized by YouTubers from all sides. But the issue caught on when the famous YouTuber Carrie Minati (real name Ajay Nagar) hit all the ticketmakers, including Aamir Siddiqui, in his Roast video. Ticketlockers have been trolling by YouTubers ever since. However, this video has now been removed from YouTube. But before being removed it was seen by millions. After which many fans of Carrie Minati started giving it a 1-star rating, showing anger towards Tiktok.


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